The Love Story of Dawnmist!Part 1!

Hi! I am Turtlenose and this is... The Love Story of Dawnmist! Part 1! In this quiz you will find out who you true mate is. Let me tell you about each cat! There is Pikeleap, a moltted brown tom, Hoppermoss, a ginger tom, Quailfeather, a light tabby tom, and Willowtail, a gray tabby she cat. I hope you have fun! The second paragraph is just so I can make this quiz!


Created by: Turtlenose
  1. "Dawnpaw! Lilypaw! Pikepaw! Hopperpaw! Quailpaw!" Your chest tightens as you hear your clan mates call your new name. Your father, Yarrowstar, said Willowpaw, an apprentice who is 3 moons older than you, will show you to your new den. A gray tabby she cat comes up to you. "Hello! You must be Dawnpaw! Come on, I'll show you to your den!" She purrs. You think:
  2. (Whatever you say, Willowpaw shows you to the apprentices' den.) Then, a ginger tom comes up to you. "Hello, Dawnpaw. My name is Hopperpaw." You see the muscles rippling beneath his pelt, but you also see how he looks kinda nervous as he talks to you. You think:
  3. A few moons pass. At sun down your mentor, Reedfeather, (no he's not an option) tells you you have dawn patrol the next morning with him, his sister, and her apprentice, Quailpaw. You grab a sparrow from the fresh kill pile and settle down next to the apprentice's den. Then a light tabby tom grabs a mouse and settles down next to you so close that your pelts are touching. You:
  4. (If you decided to claw his muzzle, you thought better of it and didn't.) The next morning a paw pokes you in the side. Hard. "Ow! What was that for?" You look up to see a brown moltted tom leaning over you. "Who are you?" You ask him. "Im Pikepaw," he growls. "Where is Quailpaw?" "He's sick, so im going with you instead. Now get up." You go on the dawn patrol and when you get back, you mentor tells you and Pike paw to go hunting. You think:
  5. You and Pike paw split up. Suddenly, as you are about to pounce on a mouse, something leaps out at you. It throughs you into a hollow beneath some tree roots. When you look up, you see its Pikepaw. You think:
  6. He walks into the hollow and pounces on you. (Btw I got this part from another quiz im so sorry I don't remember the name) He puts his muzzle closer to yours. "Dawnpaw, I... I love you. Do you... Love me?" Before you can answer, he thrusts his muzzle into yours. You:
  7. (If you clawed or froze, skip this one. If you kissed him, do this one.) He was surprised by your reaction, but embrased it. "Dawnpaw, do you love me?" You answer, "Yes Pikepaw! I do!" He kisses you again. "Do you want to have kits together?" He asks. You say:
  8. (If you kissed him, skip this one. If you clawed or froze, do this one.) Rage sparked in his eyes as he saw the horror on your face. He growled and raked his claws down your belly. "This could have held out kits one day," he snarled. Blood flooded onto the hollow floor. You yowled for help, but you were in the middle of the forest, too far away for anyone to hear. Your mind swirled and then everything went black.
  9. (If you did the last one, aka if you hissed or froze, skip this one. If not, do this one) (Lets just say you said yes, or he didn't hear you or something.) Excitement sparkled in his eyes. "Wait, Pikepaw. Not yet!" You say, but it is too late. He is mating with you. Your thoughts swirl. *Im not ready yet! Im only an apprentice! But... I do love Pikepaw... What am I supposed to do?* He whispers into your ear, "I love you, Dawnpaw," and keeps going. "I need you to be able to mother my kits, no matter what." You:
  10. The next morning you wake up in the medicine cat's den.( no matter if you hissed or kissed, just if you hissed you wake up with a scar along your stomach.) Hopperpaw is sitting next to you. "You are awake! How do you feel?" He asks you. "I... I don't remember anything. What happened?" He explains to you what happened. Then you remember. "Thank you Hopperpaw," you murmur. "Actually," he corrects, "it's Hoppermoss now." "Congrats!" You think:
  11. "Yarrowstar made us all warriors," Hoppermoss went on. "Willowpaw is now Willowtail, Pikepaw is now Pikeleap, Quailpaw is now Quailfeather, and you are Dawnmist!" You think:
  12. More moons pass. Now, Willowtail, Hoppermoss, Pikeleap, and Quailfeather, all ask if you want to be their mate you choose...
  13. Bye! Have a great day!(No effect don't worry)

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