Warrior cats love story (part one- kithood)

So no one ever reads these but you are a kit and you have to choose between three toms: Reedkit: light-brown tabby tom, Brave & kind, Moonkit: Mysterious and creepy, Lightkit: hyper & playful

Sorry if there are any errors this is my first quiz ever so don't get to mad and I'll get better at this when i make more so plz don't put mean things in the chat.

Created by: Leafshine
  1. Hello! Today we will be focusing on your kithood! btw your name is leafkit and you're a light-brown she-cat.
  2. You open your eyes to see a pretty tan she-cat looking down at you. Your mom: "hello little one! my Name is Fernshade and I'm your mother."
  3. Fernshade: The other kits are outside. Just be careful!" she calls to you as you head out of the nursery. you say:_______
  4. You walk outside to see four kits playing warrior life: a tan-brownish colored she-cat walks up to you and says: "hello Leafkit! I'm Sproutkit, your sister. You say:_____
  5. Sproutkit introduces you to the other three toms. "the cream one is lightkit, the brown one is reedkit and uh the dark blue-gray one is moonkit."
  6. Lightkit walks over to you. "welcome to the clan. It will um be nice to have a new playmate around." he smiles at you and blushes. You say:________
  7. Reedkit comes over. "Hi Leafkit! wanna play warrior life with us? I still need a mate for the game" Blushes*
  8. You walk over to moonkit. Moonkit looks up at you, a glint in his eye. "hi leafkit. I- I think I wanna be a warrior in the game" he calls to reedkit. "Now since ima warrior can you be my mate in the game?"
  9. so sorry but this quiz has come an end :( warning: you will hate the next question

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