A RiverClan Love Story(She-Cats only): Part 1

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Hi! This is Petalfoot, and I’m here with another love story. You will be playing as daughter of 2 pure blood RiverClan cats(Hazelfur and Oakfall): Willowkit/paw, a silver tabby she-cat with teal eyes.

There are 3 toms for now: Nightpaw(the grumpy and secretive one), Stormpaw(the one who’s a great fighter), and Pinepaw(the sweet, shy, and kind one). Who will you choose? Enjoy! —Petalfoot(Cherry)

Created by: Petalfoot
  1. You wake up and see a sandy brown tom leaning over you. His soft green eyes carefully look at you. “Hello, my name is Pinekit. Nice to meet you, Streamkit.” He says, purring quietly. You see a mottled dark gray tom and a black tom play-fighting.
  2. After a few minutes, the black kit walks up to you. “Hey, I’m Nightkit, princess. And that mottled gray kit is Stormkit, my younger, pathetic brother.” Nightkit huffed.
  3. Then, Nightkit steps aside to reveal a white she-cat. “Her name is Petalkit. She’s Pinekit’s sis.” He said. Then a small white she-cat with brown ears walks in. She was your mom, Hazelfur. “Kits, please give Streamkit some space!” She said, laughing.
  4. *3 moons later* You were playing moss-ball. Who did you pass the ball to?
  5. After a bit, Nightkit pipes up. “This is boring. Let’s play Truth or Dare….Willowkit, you go first.” While Nightkit explained the game, Stormkit kept staring at you with his yellow eyes. Who do you ask?
  6. (ONLY ANSWER IF YOU PICKED STORMKIT) “Hmm….truth. What’s your greatest fear?” You say. “Not letting anyone I care about get hurt.” Stormkit looks straight at you when he says this.
  7. (ONLY ANSWER IF YOU PICKED PINEKIT) “Truth. Who do you like?” You ask. “I…umm….I like….uhh….” He mumbles something. “What did he say? I couldn’t hear anything! That’s not fair!” Yelled Nightkit.
  8. (ONLY ANSWER IF YOU PICKED NIGHTKIT) “Dare. Eat a bug.” You say, laughing. Reluctantly, Nightkit gobbles down an ant lying on the nursery floor. “EWWW! Streamkit, I’ll get you back.” He growls. Nightkit’s face was in a frown, but his eyes showed amusement.
  9. Now that that turn is over: “Streamkit, truth or dare?” Nightkit asks with a smirk. You can tell he has something planned for you both, so you say:
  10. He smirks and you can tell that he is doubting whether to actually say what he is thinking, but he finally speaks, “Streamkit, I dare you to kiss me. Right here, right now.”There’s a collective gasp from the other kits.
  11. You step close to him and close your eyes as your mouth meets his. He steps forward slightly and his fluffy neck fluff brushes your fur. You hold it for a bit, and you can sense Willowkit’s eyes burning into your pelt but you don’t stop til you hear a twig snap in the direction of the nursery.
  12. You end up running to the corner and hiding because you are so embarrassed. Everyone leaves you alone. Everyone but Nightkit. He walks over, obviously feeling guilty, and says, “Look, I’m really sorry I made you do that. I didn’t want to embarrass you or anyone. I just wanted to be funny. Cause, cause I-I uh—“ but he’s cut off by a voice calling you to the nursery. “Streamkit! Nightkit! Come here! It’s time for bed!” “Coming mom!” You yell back before asking Nightkit, “Sorry, what were you saying?” “Um, nothing, let’s go to bed.” You follow him into the nursery and end up curling up next to him. You sleep well. You dream about:
  13. You find out from your dad, a brown tabby tom named Oakfall, that it was your apprentice ceremony today! Pinekit walks up to you. “Hey, Willowkit. Umm..uhh….Good luck on your ceremony today. Go get a great mentor.” He says shyly, then walks away.
  14. After a bit, the leader of RiverClan, Thornstar(brown tom with gold patches), calls a meeting. “Today, we have 5 new apprentices to make.” She called Petalkit, Pinekit, Stormpaw, Nightkit, and you to step forward, “From now on, you are Nightpaw, Stormpaw, Petalpaw, Pinepaw, and Willowpaw.” She named all the mentors. Nightpaw’s mentor was Dappleleap, Stormpaw’s was Thistlestem, Petalpaw’s was Reedslash, Pinepaw’s was Thornstar, and the deputy(Wishfur, pale ginger she-cat) was your mentor.
  15. That’s the end of this part! More coming soon!

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