The Babysitters Club Graphic Novel: Mary Anne Saves the Day

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This quiz is about how much you know about the third book in the Babysitters Club series. This quiz is based on the graphic novel by Ann M. Martin and Raina Telgemeier. There are fifteen questions.

If you have not read the graphic novels, read the books, or watched the show that is fine. If you have not read the graphic novels but you have read the books or watched the show that is also fine. I hope you enjoy this quiz. Please take more of my quizzes some are by Shreed. Thank you!

Created by: Shreed
  1. Why does the Babysitters Club get in a big fight?
  2. Who asked Mary Anne if she could sit with her during lunch?
  3. When was Dawn's house built?
  4. Where did Dawn use to live before she moved to Stoneybrook.
  5. What is Jenny's last name?
  6. When Stacey babysits Jenny what does Jenny do?
  7. How high of a fever did Jenny have when Mary Anne babysat her?
  8. Who did Mary Anne call who actually answered when Jenny had a super high fever?
  9. Does Mary Anne's dad let her wear her hair down in this book?
  10. At Jamie's birthday party who pours the punch?
  11. What was Dawn's mom's name before she got married?
  12. Does Dawn join the Babysitters Club in this book?
  13. How many ear piercings does Dawn have?
  14. How much money does Jenny's dad give Dawn and Mary Anne?
  15. Last question. Does the Babysitters Club get over their fight in this book?

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