The Babysitters Club Graphic Novel: Claudia and Mean Janine

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This quiz is about how much you know about the fourth book in the Babysitters Club series. This quiz is based on the graphic novel by Ann M. Martin and Raina Telgemeier. There are fifteen questions.

If you have not read the graphic novels, books, or watched the show that is fine (it might spoil the book though). If you have watched the show or read the book but you have not read the graphic novel that is also fine. Don't forget to check out more of my quizzes some are by Shreed. Thank you!

Created by: Shreed
  1. What happens to Mimi?
  2. Mallory feels to old for the Babysitters Club playgroup, but she wants to go to it. What does the Babysitters Club do about it?
  3. What grade in school does Claudia get?
  4. What book is Claudia not allowed to read but she reads anyway?
  5. How many kids (besides Mallory) came to the first playgroup?
  6. Who is the first kid to come to the first playgroup?
  7. How can Mimi communicate before she relearned how to talk?
  8. How does Jenny get convinced to wear her smock?
  9. What does Jamie almost do to Lucy at her Christening party?
  10. What is Claudia's get well soon present for Mimi?
  11. Who does Kristy think would be a good person to join the Babysitters Club?
  12. Who joins the Babysitters Club in this book?
  13. How long has the Babysitters Club been around at the end of this book?
  14. What is Mimi's hardest flash card for her to remember?
  15. Last question. What special thing was brought to a playgroup by David Michael?

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