Which babysitter in the Babysitters Club are you most like?

This quiz is about the Babysitters club books and graphic novels. If you have only watched the show that's ok. For the best results, please be honest.

The people you can get are Kristy Thomas, Claudia Kishi, Mary Anne Spier, Stacey Mcgill, Dawn Schafer, Mallory Pike, and Jessi Ramsey. I hope you enjoy this quiz.

Created by: Shreed
  1. What is your hair color?
  2. How do you dress?
  3. Which of the following do you like to do the most?
  4. What is your bad trait?
  5. Who do you want to get?
  6. How do you describe your family?
  7. Do you have any siblings?
  8. Birthday
  9. Age
  10. What's your good trait?

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Quiz topic: Which babysitter in the Babysitters Club am I most like?
