Tag: Weirdness
- How Weird Are You?
- Jan 26, '11
- by Filthwizard1985
Are you trawling the internet right now wondering if you're the only person who knows the truth? Are you wearing a tin foil hat…
- How Strange Are You?
- Feb 1, '08
- by Lian
I bet you've encountered people in your life who you labeled strange... People only get famous when they're strange...…
- How Weird Are You?
- Jul 9, '09
- by Izzyhorselover
Weirdness is present in all life, but only the most unique and outstanding of individuals let this shine brightly. Others hide…
- First Test Attempt: Weird.
- Jul 4, '14
- by Jeremy
There are many people lacking the power to know if they are truly sane. In order to know if you are normal, weird, or outright…
- How Weird Are You?
- Aug 27, '11
- by Jordan
What exactly does weird mean? There are many definitions, but most common is the idea that weird people are different from who…
- How normal are you?
- May 20, '12
- by emberscatsootie
We are all different, but still, society has standards that we base "normality" on. Like for example, it's normal to like…
- How Strange Are You?
- Apr 29, '06
- by the Webmaster
Strangeness--it's what makes the world interesting. Some may say strange has a negative connotation. Others celebrate it as…
- How Odd Are You?
- Jun 11, '06
- by fudgie
Do you think you are an odd person? Perhaps you like to wear odd socks occasionally or maybe you think you can speak to cats.…
- Are You Weird Or Normal?
- Apr 1, '13
- by marissajsparkle
There are many people in the world, but some are weird, bizarre, and just considered odd. There are definitely more normal…
- How abnormal are you?
- May 20, '09
- by Skipperdoo
The world is just jam packed with weirdos and insane people, yet some people manage to stay normal and sane amongst all the…
- How cringe are you?
- Jul 3, '22
- by We1rd0_Gurl
The phrase `cringe` is been thrown around modern language daily, but what does it been to be cringe? To be cringe is to be…
- Are you a CrazyGirl?
- Oct 26, '09
- by Kaneisha
It's not always a bad thing to be called "crazy"! "Crazy people" are our inventors, dreamers, creators, and lovers. Take this…
- How Weird Are You?
- Jan 3, '15
- by the_gay_cupcake
There are so many serious people in the world. So it's great to meet people who are weird. They make life enjoyable. So this…
- How Normal Are You?
- Jan 10, '12
- by Shannon Lynne
Have you ever been told that you are 'strange' or 'weird' or 'not normal'? Take this quiz to see whether you're normal or not!
- Are You Normal, Weird or Mixed?
- Apr 7, '11
- by Luna Lovegood
Weird-an usual person, thing or animal; out of the ordinary. Normal~ average, sane, believable;an ordinary human. Mixture~both…
- Are you popular or weird?
- Feb 19, '18
- by Lina
Test out if you're popular or weird!!!! Who doesn't want to know or test their friends!!!! See what you can score and this quiz…
- How Awkward Are You?
- May 28, '14
- by Britt
Everyone is weird in their own weird way. But how weird are you? Will you run up to strangers and tell them you're an agent for…
- Are You A Rare Person?
- Apr 24, '08
- by Kyle
This is a quiz to see if you would be a unique friend. Are you someone who would stand out and go against people you don't…
- How Socially acceptable are you?
- May 19, '19
- by Dumback
Have you ever wondered how good you are at being a person? A socially acceptable person? Because I sure have, and your…
- Are You Weird?..
- Apr 29, '07
- by Zcairah
This is the quiz you are looking for. This will tell you how weird you are! Whether you are really really weird or just about…
- How strange are you?
- Apr 24, '06
- by Nia
To be abnormal is an uncommon thing. Most people stick to the crowd with interests and style.Abnormal is to be different to the…
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