marissajsparkle's Profile

Joined on May 15, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
marissajsparkle's Quizzes
- Are You Weird Or Normal?[published: Apr 01, 2013, 2 comments]
There are many people in the world, but some are weird, bizarre, and just considered odd. There are……
- Which Celebrity Style Should You Follow?[published: Mar 31, 2013, 15 comments]
Celebrities have styles that are admired by everyone. The point of this quiz is to……
- How Much Do You Know About Backmasking?[published: Mar 29, 2013]
How much do you know about Backmasking? There are some people who get the idea, but……
- What Should Your Style Be? (Improved Version.)[published: Mar 29, 2013, 1 comment]
We all have a certain style that we should have, but what is the right style that……
- Do You Stand Out Or Blend In?[published: Mar 28, 2013, 6 comments]
Do you stand out or blend in? It's actually very rare to stand out, because people who stand out……
- What Is Your Best Feature?[published: Mar 27, 2013, 3 comments]
There are many of people who have a certain feature that they love the best about themselves. Whether……
- Do You Have Paranoia?[published: Mar 26, 2013, 41 comments]
Paranoia is a personality disorder in which people have anxiety and fear that others are out to get them.……
- Do You Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? (OCD)[published: Mar 25, 2013, 14 comments]
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder of the brain. Obsessive……
- What Is Your Physical Appearance Report Card Grade?[published: Mar 25, 2013, 33 comments]
Have you ever wondered what type of grade you would get on your physical……
- Are You A Drama Queen?[published: Mar 23, 2013, 7 comments]
There are plenty of Drama Queens in the world, but are you one of them? A Drama Queen is a person who……
- What Does Your Appearance Say About You? (Improved)[published: Mar 23, 2013, 28 comments]
Your appearance says a lot about your personality, in fact every little……
- Which Color Accentuates Your Appearance The Best?[published: Mar 23, 2013, 17 comments]
Did you know that everyone has a certain color that looks best on them? It's……
- How Crazy Are You?[published: Mar 20, 2013, 1 comment]
Are you crazy? Being crazy means that you do very strange things that most people don't do. Crazy people act……
- How Intelligent Are You?[published: Mar 20, 2013, 2 comments]
Are you ready to quiz your brain? This is the right quiz to test your level of intelligence! Are you……
- What Does Your Appearance Say About Your Personality?[published: Mar 19, 2013, 26 comments]
Your appearance can say a lot about your personality, in fact every little……
- Which Blonde Hair Color Should You Get?[published: Mar 18, 2013, 1 comment]
This quiz was made only for people who are considering going blonde. Have you been……
- Are You A Beauty Expert?[published: Mar 16, 2013, 1 comment]
Are you a Beauty expert? Do you know all of the rules of beauty? Beauty experts are people who know……
- How Much Confidence Do You Have?[published: Mar 13, 2013, 2 comments]
How much confidence do you have? Having confidence means that you think positive about……
- Are You Gorgeous Looking or Just Average Looking?[published: Mar 12, 2013, 7 comments]
This quiz was made to determine how physically attractive you are. In reality,……
- Are You Glamorous?[published: Mar 11, 2013, 1 comment]
Are You Glamorous? Being Glamorous means that you have a rich, luxurious style of clothes and everything.……
- Is Your Appearance Sexy Or Is It Your Attitude?[published: Mar 09, 2013]
Are physically sexy or is it your attitude that attracts the guys? There are……
- Discover Your Destiny.[published: Mar 08, 2013, 8 comments]
Everyone has there own destiny, but what is your destiny? Your destiny is what you use to determine what……
- How Badly Do You Need A New Makeover?[published: Mar 05, 2013]
Sometimes we often notice that our current makeup routine is getting old, so that's why we……
- How Much Of A Snob Are You?[published: Mar 05, 2013, 1 comment]
A snob is a girl who thinks she is better than other people. Snobs are popular and rich. Snobby……
- Which Stereotype Are You?[published: Feb 28, 2013, 6 comments]
Everyone has a certain Stereotype, but many of us are just unsure of what we are. A Stereotype is a……
- How Preppy Are You?[published: Feb 25, 2013, 11 comments]
How preppy are you? What is a prep first? Well, a prep is someone who is popular, rich, attractive, and……
- How Sexy Are You?[published: Feb 23, 2013, 12 comments]
Have you been wondering how sexy you are? Being sexy means that you have a good looking appearance and……
- Are You Stuck Up Or Down To Earth?[published: Feb 20, 2013, 16 comments]
This quiz was made to help determine whether you are stuck up or down to earth. Take this……
- What Are Your Positive And Negative Personality Traits?[published: Feb 19, 2013, 33 comments]
Like the yin and the yang, light and darkness, every person has positive……
- Which Hair Color Should You Have?[published: Feb 14, 2013, 24 comments]
Have you been wondering what hair color you should have? Take this quiz before dying your hair……
- What Should Your Style Be?[published: Feb 11, 2013, 21 comments]
We all have a certain style that we should have, but what is the right style that suits you? This……
- Are you Hot or Not?[published: Jul 05, 2012, 6 comments]
Are you Hot or Not? It's rare to be hot, but it's easy to be not! Being hot means that you are very……
- How Good Looking are You?[published: Jul 01, 2012, 14 comments]
There are not many good looking people in the world, in fact it's very rare to be good looking! Most……
- How Attractive Looking are You?[published: Jun 28, 2012, 15 comments]
It is extremely rare to be 100% attractive, because most people are just 50% attractive! It's……
- What Type of Person are You?[published: Jun 27, 2012, 14 comments]
Everyone has a personality type, which explains what type of person they are. Some people are……
marissajsparkle's Recent Posts
"@Nuna, Actually your hair has a lot to do with determining makeup."
"That's a good result to get! :)"
"Which Celebrity Style Should You Follow?"
"Have you ever thought of taking a test to see how much you know about backmasking? Here's your chance to test your backmasking. Just take th..."
"You Know 70% About Backmasking. You know a lot about Backmasing! You know enough to begin making your own backmasking records!"
"@Teresa22; Honestly, people with red and black hair have similar characteristics."
"How Crazy Are You?"
"Yes that's the one."
"Have you been searching around to find the best makeup look for you? Take this quiz to match the best makeup look according to your f"
marissajsparkle's Recent Quiz Comments
"You're welcome! :)"
1 -
"Thank you! :)"
1 -
"Fyi; beauty is actually defined by physical appearance, idk what your talking about. Beauty and personality are 2 different things. No…"
1 -
"[no urls]
There's my newer quiz, you'll probably not find another one like it."
1 -
"Thank you both for the nice comments! "
1 -
"Thanks for all the nice comments! I appreciate. Have any suggestions for a new quiz? I would love your ideas, just post some ideas in one…"
1 -
I understand. If anyone tells you that they were feeling hurt by the other quizzes, just let then know that these…"
1 -
"Thank you (:"
1 -
"If you are just developing ocd, I Would suggest to try your best not to let it get to you. I know It's difficult, but i have it too and it…"
1 -
"@ EpicStegosaurus, honestly i wasn't being repetitive, like you're saying i was. I gave a Briefexplanation of the result."