How Attractive Looking are You?

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It is extremely rare to be 100% attractive, because most people are just 50% attractive! It's also rare to be better looking than average. The chances of you being 100% attractive is almost impossible!

Are you extra attractive, normal, or below average? Find out by taking this quiz! Are you one of those rare hotties? Take this quiz and see how attractive you are!

Created by: marissajsparkle

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of the following explains your appearance?
  2. Which of the following explains your flaws?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. Which of the following explains your stereotype?
  5. Which of the following explains your appearance, on a scale of 0-10.
  6. Which of the following explains your body?
  7. Which celebrity do you look like?
  8. What style do you wear your hair most often?
  9. How high maintenance are you?
  10. How much do you care about your appearance?

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Quiz topic: How Attractive Looking am I?