Tag: Libertarianism
- Oct 12, '24
- by anarcho-femboy
- Jun 18, '21
- by Roh Tae Woo
- What Sort of Classical Liberal are You?
- Dec 29, '16
- by JeanLouisDavid
Do you like individual freedom and market capitalism? Find out which school of classical liberal thought you align with - take…
- Are you a Libertarian?
- Nov 8, '08
- by Myname
In today's world many people have come to believe in freedom, individuality, and self-reliance. They have also realized that if…
- Libertarian ideology test.
- Dec 28, '23
- by Cuba-libek
This test is supposed to show right-libertarian ideology that is closest to your beliefs or maybe even your ideology if you are…
- Are you a Libertarian?
- May 23, '13
- by Danielle
A libertarian is a person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action. Libertarians…
- Are you an objectivist?
- Sep 9, '17
- by Elegast
This is a small quiz, consisting of 15 yes/no questions. The test will try to determine in what amount you agree with Ayn…
- What Kind of Libertarian Are You?
- Aug 15, '07
- by G.E. Smith
I got the idea for this quiz from an About.com article. I changed a few definitions and categories. For example, the author had…
- Are you a Libertarian? Find Out!
- Mar 5, '09
- by Jack B.
Am I a libertarian? You ask yourself this question every day, I am sure. And until now there has been no way to find out if you…
- Which libertarian is your best ideological match?
- Aug 1, '07
- by G.E. Smith
There are four "major" candidates in the running for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination: Steve Kubby, George…
- What type of right libertarian are you?
- Apr 11, '23
- by Covenant
This quiz will tell you what type of right-libertarian you are. Right-libertarians believe in strong property rights, minimal…
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