What Sort of Classical Liberal are You?

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Do you like individual freedom? Are you trying to figure out exactly what group of people who like individual freedom you are a part of? If so, you've come to the right place!

Whether you're a minarchist, an anarchist, a nationalist or whatever else, you should have a better idea of what you are at the end of this quiz. Good luck!

Created by: JeanLouisDavid

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where would you place your views on the left-right spectrum?
  2. Choose one of these trios of thinkers. Feel free to Google unfamiliar names.
  3. Do you consider yourself to be a minarchist (one who believes in a minimal state) or an anarchist (one who believes in no state at all)?
  4. A strong sense of national identity is central to my political ideology.
  5. "Capitalism" is synonymous with "free market."
  6. Minorities and the poor have been given every opportunity to succeed; if they haven't, it's because they are lazy.
  7. All taxes should be replaced with a single tax on land value.
  8. A fully freed market would be made up mostly or entirely by cooperatives and self-employed individuals, not corporations or hierarchal businesses.
  9. Intellectual property and copyright are necessary to give people initiative to create new things.
  10. National borders are simply imaginary lines; therefore, there should be no restrictions on immigration.
  11. Activists, union leaders, and other troublemakers among the working class need to be silenced or removed by the state.
  12. There can never be any sort of "night-watchman state," as the state will inevitably seek to control more and more; therefore, the state must be abolished.
  13. Socialists, Marxists, and other undesirables should be forcibly removed from our society and barred from entering it.
  14. The primitive way of life, which is marked by superstition and collectivism, must be taken over by Western civilization, which will bring with it reason and capitalism.
  15. Conservative social values should be enforced through ostracism.
  16. I consider myself to be a part of the broader anti-capitalist movement.
  17. People should use the black and gray markets (untaxed and unregulated economic activity) to slowly starve the state of resources.
  18. The night-watchman state (a minimal government) is the goal, not the end of the state or its expansion.

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Quiz topic: What Sort of Classical Liberal am I?