What type of right libertarian are you?

This quiz will tell you what type of right-libertarian you are. Right-libertarians believe in strong property rights, minimal state intervention, and the non-aggression principle.

There are 10 questions on this quiz. Each one will contribute to your final result. Take the results with a grain of salt as with so few questions it is difficult to determine an accurate ideology.

Created by: Covenant
  1. How large should the state be?
  2. Should we intervene in foreign conflicts?
  3. What should the governance structure of your ideal society be?
  4. Would your ideal society follow progressive ideals, traditional values, or neither?
  5. Do you think nationalism is an important aspect of libertarianism?
  6. What is your view on taxes?
  7. Do you believe in open borders?
  8. Do you believe that abortion violates the Non-Aggression Principle?
  9. Do you believe in the idea of exclusion of certain groups from society?
  10. Do you support Zionism?

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Quiz topic: What type of right libertarian am I?
