Individualism Collectivism Quiz

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Collectivism is defined as the degree to which someone values the welfare of the collective over the negative liberties (Liberties which can only be taken not given) of an individual.

Collectivism is often associated with the identification of one's self with a group as opposed to a distinct personal identity. The Community or social group over self determination and negative liberties.

Created by: Roh Tae Woo
  1. The rights of one person can interfere in the collective well being of other people.
  2. There is an out of control trolley heading towards 4 workers on a track, is it right to flip the lever that sends it hurtling towards one worker instead?
  3. There is an out of control trolley heading towards 4 workers on a track, is it right to push a fat man onto the tracks that stops the trolley?
  4. I generally have opinions which are similar to my demographic.
  5. I'm my own unique person. There's no one really like me out there!
  6. When it comes to social issues, You can have your opinions, I can have my opinion. There's no one truly correct opinion, they all have elements of truth.
  7. No one has a right to abstain from his duties to his community.
  8. It is more important for everyone to pursue their own goals independently and compete, than it is for people to sacrifice their goals for the sake of a common goal.
  9. Which of these statements do you agree with more?
  10. I identify with a social group.
  11. Establishing rules to protect the collective hurt individual's rights.
  12. One advantage of living in a small community as opposed to a big city, is that there is a greater sense of community.
  13. The overall self determination of communities, is more important than the determination of all individuals independent from each other.
  14. Being forced to carry out obligations to your community undermines your ability to determine yourself.
  15. There is nothing wrong with being a self sufficient farmer, you are free to do whatever you want as you are not dependent on anyone else and this is positive.

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