Tag: Fruit
- What Fruit Is Your Personality?
- Jul 16, '11
- by LeahM
Ever wondered what your personality most related to; a book, a song? How about a fruit? It's a pretty average thing, but you…
- Aug 2, '09
- by December2009
This quiz is JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT to find your inner FRUIT. Would you like to know which fruit matches you physically and…
- What Fruit Are You?
- Mar 12, '16
- by Carla
Fruit is a basic nutrient that we need in our bodies. What is a fruit? A fruit is the sweet, fleshy product of a tree or…
- Which exotic fruit are you?
- Jun 24, '11
- by Alexis Dickenson
Do you know about exotic fruits? This quiz will help you find out what exotic fruit YOU are. …
- Avocados or oranges
- Jul 1, '08
- by abby/bubblegumpunk012
Avocado- a pear shaped fruit with a flesh that can made into an oil that is good for your skin. Orange-A beautiful, orange…
- Which fruit are you?
- Jul 4, '11
- by Samantha Perfect-Smile
Have you ever wondered which fruit suits your personality? Well lucky you because now you can know for sure! In this crazy fun…
- What type of Banana are you?
- Dec 22, '13
- by Louisa
everyone either IS a banana or has that inner banana just bursting to show itself to the world. take this quiz to discover…
- Which Berry Are You?
- Jul 20, '10
- by Epicfish
Ever wonder which berry represents your personality? Well, of course you're juicy and sweet, but berries have personalities…
- If you were a fruit which fruit would you be?
- Jul 11, '12
- by Laura
Haven't you ever wondered what fruit you'd be if you were a fruit? Well now you can find out by taking this quiz! Just click…
- What kind of fruit are you?
- Apr 8, '07
- by Emma
Have you ever wondered what kind of fruit you are? Not that we're saying you're really a fruit. Apart from Basil the Plum here,…
- Which Fruit Are You?
- Jun 11, '14
- by DonutHole
This is literally like a personality test, but in the form of fruit. People like fruit, right? I sure hope so. Either way, you…
- What fruit are you?
- May 26, '23
- by Jolly
Discover your fruity nature! Our personality quiz assesses your preferences and traits to match you with the perfect fruit.…
- What Apple are You?
- Jan 30, '07
- by Rach
There are many different ways of comparing people to other things. For example, dogs and colours. However, not many would…
- What Fruit Are You?
- Feb 7, '17
- by tuna24
"There are many fruits in the world, which one are you, remember the results are random, they have nothing to do with the…
- Which Fruit Are You?
- May 14, '17
- by Ondine Mayor
Take this quiz to find out what fruit you are. There are twelve different questions to find out what fruit you are, and at the…
- What Fruit Are You?
- Jul 16, '09
- by Fish
Fruits... Cousins of the vegetables. People consume fruit all the time. Do you have a favorite fruit? Is a fruit your…
Even More Fruit Quizzes
- Which Fruit Are You?
- Mar 30, '20
- by Stardust1
Everyone loves fruit! It's almost like a healthy dessert. Fruit can come in all shapes and sizes, just like people. Do you know…
- What kind of fruit are you?
- Jan 1, '21
- by Marie2secretperson:
Hi! This quiz, "What fruit are you", was designed so you could have fun!!! :D But, if you get a bad result, sorry! This quiz…
- Do you know your fruits and vegetables?
- Apr 9, '20
- by Wrenny Nifer
This is my first quiz, so I hope you like it. I was trying to come up with a fun idea, and this is what came to my mind. I…
- What type of fruit are you? (For kids still in school)
- Aug 24, '18
- by Mollie
Warning: You will need to truthfully answer all these questions. Otherwise you probably won't get the right answer. So…
- What Fruit Are You?
- Oct 21, '07
- by Deanna & Kristin
Fruits have personalities, too ya know. Answer the questions truthfully, you probably wouldn't be able to anticipate these…
- What fruit are you?
- Jul 10, '09
- by Fruity Tooty
Do you think you know what fruit you are? Find out with this fruit quiz! Are you an apple? An orange? A kiwi? Or even a…
- What Is Your Spirit Fruit
- Oct 1, '15
- by bob
Some people love eating fruit. Fruit is very good for you. This is why we have created this quiz to show you your true silly…
- What kind of fruit are you?
- Oct 4, '14
- by iLuVmOnKeYs
Fruit is a significant part of most people's diets. It has influences our culture and our world. Where would be without fruit?…
- What Fruit Combines with you
- Jan 18, '14
- by Pedro Henrique
Everybody want to know about personalities and culture. It is really cool to do a quiz, and even better when you can know what…
- What Fruit Are you?
- Jul 7, '08
- by Melenie
Fruit. For some a yummy snack, for others something their parents force them to eat. Either way fruit is a part of most…
- What fruit are you?
- Feb 16, '11
- by Courts
There are many fruit. In this case we're talking about the normal ones. Bananas, Apples, Oranges. It seems impossible that…
- Which fruit do you resemble?
- Feb 17, '12
- by Kayleigh Harding
Everyone knows what they look like, just look at a reflective surface to find out instantly, but do YOU ever wonder what fruit…
- If You Were a Fruit, What Fruit Would You Be?
- May 14, '11
- by PandaGirl
This is probably a unique quiz. Most people probably don't really care what their inner fruit is. They might not even think…
- Are You a Lemon?
- Mar 20, '14
- by koalabear1
Are you a lemon find out here. You may think you are a lemon but are you really a lemon. Well lemon me be the first person to…
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