Bagel Knowledge test

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This is a test for me and me only because I'm studying for a job at a bagel place. You can try if you want though lol! I made this so I could study while making it

And so it would be easier to identify what I needed to work on, so I can make sure I get this right so I can do a really good job, yah know? It's important to me this is my first job

Created by: Bagel Man
  1. How much does a single naked bagel cost?
  2. How much does a half-dozen naked bagels cost?
  3. How much does a bakers dozen of naked bagels cost?
  4. What does LTO mean?
  5. How much does a Bagel+Flavored Cream Cheese cost?
  6. How much does a Bagel+Peanut Butter or Nutella cost?
  7. How much does a Bagel+Hummus
  8. How much does a Bagel+Butter or Jelly cost?
  9. How much does a Bagel+Peanut Butter+Jelly cost?
  10. How much does a Bagel+Plain or Lite Cream Cheese cost?
  11. A Veggie Combo is:
  12. A Cold Roast Beef is:
  13. A Big One is:
  14. A Cold Turkey is:
  15. A Cheesy Tom is:
  16. A Pepperoni Pizza is:
  17. A Tomato Eye Opener is:
  18. A Tuna Salad is:
  19. A BLT is:
  20. Cheese Pizza Bagel
  21. A Egg & Cheese is:
  22. A Tuna Melt is:
  23. A Create Your Own is:
  24. A Guadagno is:
  25. A Lox Box is:
  26. A Double Decker Club is:
  27. An Eye No Egg is:
  28. An Eye Opener is:
  29. What price does a Tomato Eye Opener and Eye No Egg share?
  30. What price is an Eye opener?
  31. What price is an Egg and Cheese
  32. What price is a Lox Box?
  33. What price does a Tuna Melt, Guadango, Big One, and a Double Decker Club share?
  34. What price does a Cold Roast Beef, Cold Turkey, Tuna Salad Open Face, and a Create Your Own share?
  35. What price does a Veggie Combo and a Cheesy Tom share?
  36. What price is a BLT?
  37. What price does a Tuna Salad Closed-Face, and a Pepperoni Pizza Bagel share?
  38. What price is a Cheese Pizza Bagel?
  39. What price is a Bagel Dog?

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