Where'd my bagel go?

where'd it go, man, where'd it go???? it couldn't have gone far... is it over there?? did you leave it on the counter??? where could it possibly be???

lucky for you, i've got that psychic brain stuff happening. i know right, pretty insane. but i can help you... For a Price. im just kidding bro, its free, just answer these questions, and we'll find out where you put that diddly darn bagel.

Created by: bruh
  1. age please?
  2. what's your sign?
  3. what's your dream vacation?
  4. what do you want to happen to your corpse after you die
  5. thoughts on cream cheese?
  6. bathroom carpeting?
  7. ya got bones?
  8. how long would you say you could scream for?
  9. have you ever heard of the tragedy of darth plageuis the wise?
  10. this was a waste of time wasn't it?

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