Dream vacation spot

I have a strong passion for travel, seeing the world gives a sense of satisfaction and wisdom to my life. I love my hometown, but why stick within a 100 mile radius when there is so much out there to see?

Do you need a vacation? Figuring out where to go is a tough part. Take this quiz, and maybe you'll find some inspiration for planning the trip of a lifetime!

Created by: mt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you go on vacation, do you like to relax or go out and explore?
  2. You're headed camping for the weekend with a big group of friends. What do you bring?
  3. It's your day off and you have no plans! What will you probably end up doing?
  4. If you had to choose one, where would you rather be stranded for a week by yourself, provided you have food and water?
  5. Do you like to try exotic foods?
  6. Do you keep a journal
  7. Pick a car.
  8. The movies you tend to like are...
  9. If you had a big group of friends to go with, which US destination sounds the most fun?
  10. In it's extreme, which weather is most fun?
  11. Which famous person would you vacation with?

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