How Interesting Are You?

A collection of simple questions that determine how interesting you are. I think how you react to situations and how others react to your situation affects this too so that’s why I added that in. Don’t take this quiz seriously it’s just for fun :D

[I was forced to add in 150 letters so ignore this text]. Life could be a dream, Life could be a dream. Life is but a dream. He’s living the dream. She likes to daydream. This quiz includes ice cream. WHY DO WE SCREAM.

Created by: Mary OTT
  1. Which animal do you have as a pet?
  2. Which word suits you best
  3. What’s your favorite food?
  4. Following the last question, what’s your favorite drink?
  5. What do you do when you’re bored?
  6. What’s your favorite color?
  7. What’s your favorite career option
  8. How high are you?
  9. What are your dreams mostly about?
  10. If someone you don’t know tells you “are you [insert your full name]” what would you do?
  11. Which country would you like to visit?
  12. Someone offers you an ice cream. How do you react?
  13. You offer someone an ice cream. How does said person react?
  14. You watch two people get into a rap battle. What do you do?
  15. Someone you don’t know yells at you. What would you do?

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Quiz topic: How Interesting am I?
