koalabear1's Profile

Joined on Feb 27, 2014
Status Level: Junior
koalabear1's Quizzes
- How frozen obsessed are you?[published: Feb 11, 2015]
Do you like frozen? Are you a moderate fan? do you need to let it go? find out here. A movie is……
- What is your grade in life?[published: Oct 22, 2014, 1 comment]
What is your grade in life, we will tell you with both a letter grade and a percentage. It will be……
- Disney Song Quiz[published: Sep 30, 2014]
Disney songs rock. So if you like them take this quiz. you may be a disney song expert and if your not whatever……
- what kind of doll are you?[published: Sep 25, 2014, 1 comment]
There are many dolls, but few true favorites. Dolls are, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a doll?……
- Which Cutie Mark Crusader are you? (MLP)[published: Aug 08, 2014, 1 comment]
The Cutie Mark Crusaders (CMC) is a club consisting of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and……
- What flavor are you?[published: May 23, 2014]
What flavor suits you? Probably not a question you ask but i will tell you anyway. By using your taste……
- What type of friend do you have?[published: May 21, 2014, 1 comment]
What kind of friend is your friend? The answer to this question may or may not be shocking to……
- How spoiled are you?[published: May 15, 2014, 10 comments]
There are many spoiled people, but few true spoiled brats. spoiled is, after all, not exceptional.……
- what mario mushroom are you?[published: May 14, 2014]
Mario is a classic game made by Nintendo. In this game there are different mushrooms or toadstools……
- what amusment park ride suits you?[published: May 09, 2014, 1 comment]
What Amusement park ride fit you and your preferences? There are many rides but I listed a……
- What Faction are you? (Divergent)[published: May 08, 2014]
Which one of the five factions are you from the hit book/movie divergent by Veronia Ross? I……
- What is your musical talent?[published: May 01, 2014, 2 comments]
What is your musical talent? Do you even have any musical talent? Find out here! (Because hey what……
- Are you good with kids?[published: Apr 25, 2014, 3 comments]
Are you good with kids? do kids like you? Do you have that childish it thing? Are you asking yourself……
- How lazy are you?[published: Apr 24, 2014, 3 comments]
Are you lazy? Well almost everyone is a little lazy but are you a complete bum, or just decently lazy. Maybe……
- How well do you know divergent?[published: Apr 15, 2014, 2 comments]
How well do you know divergent? Find out here. This quiz is about the book and movie divergent……
- How nice are you?[published: Apr 11, 2014]
Are you a nice, kind , friendly person? Are you to nice? (Yes that is possible) Take this quiz to find out how……
- Are you a jigglypuff?[published: Apr 03, 2014]
Are you a jigglypuff pokemon? Are you the pink balloon pokemon who is freaking adorable (In my opinion)……
- What is your fashion personallity?[published: Apr 01, 2014, 2 comments]
(RECOMENDED FOR GIRLS ONLY) Find out what your clothes say about yourself. The way you dress……
- How likley is it that your bff is evil?[published: Mar 21, 2014]
Is your bff evil? I don't just mean like rude or mean. I mean hardcore scary demon evil.……
- Are You a Lemon?[published: Mar 20, 2014, 2 comments]
Are you a lemon find out here. You may think you are a lemon but are you really a lemon. Well lemon me be the……
- How crazy are you and your friends?[published: Mar 19, 2014, 2 comments]
Are you and your friend insane? Or are you guys boringly normal? Are you and your bffls off……
- How well do you know cats?[published: Mar 17, 2014, 2 comments]
Do you know bout cats? Do you know about the cats meow you probably do not. But cat made this quiz so……
- Are you annoying?[published: Mar 13, 2014, 2 comments]
Are you annoying? Do people not like you? : causing vexation : irritating Examples of ANNOYING This is a……
- Are you a true book nerd?[published: Feb 28, 2014, 4 comments]
Are you a real book nerd? Or just some loser who claims to be? Do you really obsess over books or are……
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"soparano which I already know is my range"
1 -
"Yeah! You would date me. HMU"
1 -
"I got realistic but i dont really think that is me. But good quiz anyway"
1 -
"What is the point of this"
1 -
"Im not like you and i am glad"
1 -
"woah you got it"