Viper2025's Profile

Joined on Aug 23, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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"I typically snap back if someone snaps at me."
In response to Viper2025:
"In a wolf pack an alpha is the top rank. The…"
1 -
"In a wolf pack an alpha is the top rank. The leader. They are stronger with a group, so they organize a pack. Alphas are seen as unwise…"
1 reply2 -
"I'm 0% girly girl, 96% Tomboy, and 58% In between.
If Im 0% girly girl how am I a in between?"
In response to Lisa The NugFau:
"84% tomboy and 29% girlygirl. I have to admit,…"
1 -
"You had me at archery! Its the best!"
In response to Bianca di Angelo:
"I'm a tomboy. I love camping, sports, archery and…"
1 -
"Your Result: Tomboy 96%
You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like…"
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"Your Result: Doubtfall camps 84%
resultYou are a loner, working best alone. You arent the strongest, mentally, but physically…"
In response to Randomperson36:
"Your Result: Blacklife camps 74%…"
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"I got the same thing!!!!!!! :)"
In response to Lucy Rascal:
"Your Result: Candlelight 90%…"
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In response to Aceleader:
"I got goblin so true!! i have dark black eyes ANd…"
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"Your Result: Nymph 80%
You are a beautiful little creature who falls somewhere between an elf and fairy. Your grace aids you in…"
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"Your a Yandere? Cool."
In response to SoulArt16:
"Your Result: You attract Yuppies!=…"