SoulArt16's Profile
Joined on Sep 24, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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SoulArt16's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Beautiful/Handsome 91%
If you are a girl, you're beautiful, if you are a boy, you're handsome. You are hot on the…"
1 -
"We are 88% likely to date each other! 88%
You made it!!! Great job! If you got 100% then you are perfect! You made level 6:…"
1 -
"Your 94% personality is... 94%
You are 100% pure in the heart. You are really #1! By the way nice personality.…"
1 -
"Your Result: You attract Yuppies!= 84%
You attract the very well-dressed, job oriented type of people. They usually have their…"
3 replies6 -
"The quiz said "Your Result: spikey sting snake" = 86%
~you control how people think of you you are cunning you can create self…"
1 -
"81% compatible... Well that's just nice and awesome :D"