VampireArlene's Profile

Joined on May 17, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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VampireArlene's Recent Posts
"Roleplay account: Oc: Arlene"
"( going to switch from youta to spectre for now as youta’s not doing much beyond investigating.) Spectre sat on the edge of a r"
"Grace smiled as she took her own stance, quite ready to dance. She nodded towards Androw. She hadn’t danced in ages. - Astra hum"
"Belphegor : * he flinches. As he understands* Belphegor: * he just holds Beel, hoping to keep him safe from Mammon if he and lucifer "
"Oh! Yeah it’s based on a book series. Peter is really really bad."
"Sin finds themselves in a room filled with cages suspended from the ceilings. Water floods the room. They hum gently as they walk."
"Hi! I was given permission from Jill to join this roleplay. Name: Echo Gender: Female Sexuality: ??? Age:"
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