TruthTella's Profile
Joined on Nov 4, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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TruthTella's Recent Posts
"Yep. I just don't bother with this place much. I was always just here for the quizes mainly."
"I'm not even a newb Skyler. I have been off and on here for years. Before you or even Carla even knew of the site. So don't assume. You know..."
"Then why would she punch you? You had to do something. But whatever."
"Yes. There are a lot of people who do deserve to die."
"All you're doing is wasting money on that crap. I hope you get arrested. And by the way, no you don't seem cool because you smoke."
"People don't punch others for no reason. You probably deserved it. And no, before everyone starts running their mouth, I am not a newb. I ha..."
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