Suki Skywalker2's Profile

Suki Skywalker2
Joined on Nov 25, 2020
Status Level: Junior
Suki Skywalker2's Quizzes
- Avatar The Last Airbender SIDE Character Quiz![published: Jan 09, 2021, 1 comment]
Hi there! As promised, here are 8 amazing side characters from the Avatar the……
- Which Part of Winter Fun Are You?[published: Dec 05, 2020, 2 comments]
Winter is here! Along with all the fun things that come with it. Candy canes, sledding, hot……
- Which Avatar the Last Airbender Character Is Most Like You?[published: Nov 15, 2020, 3 comments]
Hi there! I love Avatar the Last Airbender, and if you do too you're……
Suki Skywalker2's Recent Posts
"You look in the mirror and you don't like what you see The person looking back at you is not who you want to be You see a failur"
"Oh wait now it did work...yay! (I feel smart XP)"
"Nope... https:// [no urls] how-do-you-eat-poptarts I really need to level up XD"
"Well, that didn't work... how bout this: [no urls]"
"Oh man I LOVE Star Wars !!! :D (And that especially includes Clone Wars!) What do you want to rant about? ;)"
"hello there"
"Lol, I forgot how quickly things get buried here XD"
"https:/ / com/ watch?v=h6preb WgS08"
"Oh okay, will do"
"Oh hey, thanks! Where do you need me to put the spaces?"
"I just finished my newest Youtube video and I would love to share it with you! It's called "At the Beginning (Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian)..."
"I'm very un-technified XD"
"Your life may stink, but you are super wonderful Cham. Hope you have a happy birthday!!!!💜😊"
Suki Skywalker2's Recent Quiz Comments
"Light for me :)
Interesting quiz."1 -
"Yay! I got 100%! (Helps that I'm rewatch ing it with my brothers) Fun quiz!"
1 -
"Yay! I got Ahsoka!! :)
Fun quiz, I LOVE star wars rebels!!!"1 -
""Looker and Buys a Thing or Two: You don't plan to shop so you can buy things. You go to just have fun or get a thing or two. You don't…"
1 -
""100%: Excellent! You would be a magnificent king. Your kingdom would love and look up to you as a powerful leader. All…"
2 -
"Yay! I got Captain Rex :D
Fun quiz!"2 replies2 -
"71% "Go you, we could be friends! You and I share some interests and probably would like each other irl. Thanks for taking the…"
1 -
""Handwringing Traditionalist" Lol.
"You don't like the way things are going but unfortunately you're too useless to do anything…"
1 -
"I got Vivian Night
If you got Vivian, then you are extroverted and confident, and most likely feminist. You don't care what other…"
1 reply2 -
"The Dreamer:
"You are always full of ideas and new ways to do things. You are an introvert, but only because you like to spend a…"