what is your personality?

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Welcome to the ultimate personality quiz! If you're looking forward to know more about yourself, you're in the right place! Because we all wonder how others see us!

The results are split into stupid, crazy, light, smart, and dark. The answers you select will influence your result (of course they do). So, I hope you like the result and it suits you well.

Created by: Oiglet
  1. you're at school, there is an apple on the floor, split open.
  2. you're working in a group, what do you do?
  3. you're at the shops, a toddler is crying, on her own.
  4. you have the option to create 1 thing in an art class
  5. you get handed a potion, it will instantly make you the best at any of the following skills:
  6. which is your most prized possession?
  7. which word best describes you?
  8. which is your favourite way of typing e mails?
  9. what is your idea of a perfect day?
  10. what is your response to someone beating up your best buddy?

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Quiz topic: What is my personality?
