How well do you know Tales of Arcadia?

This quiz will test how well you really know Tales of Arcadia. The questions will go from true and false questions to the order of the Tales of Arcadia shows.

This will judge if you're a true fan of Tales of Arcadia. As I sometimes say, you're not a true fan unless you know almost every word to it : ) Good luck!

Created by: Abby
  1. Who is Jim's World History teacher?
  2. Where are Aja and Krel from?
  3. Who is Toby's girlfriend?
  4. Who is Aja's boyfriend?
  5. Where did Aja and Krel say they were from?
  6. Who is Aja and Krel's bodyguard?
  7. Who did Jim fight over the amulet with?
  8. Who was the Trollhunter before Jim?
  9. Who represents the Creepslayerz?
  10. Who created the Amulet of Daylight?
  11. What is Eli's full name?
  12. What play did Jim and Claire perform?
  13. What did Blinky give Jim for his Birthday?
  14. What is Aja's position?
  15. Who is Varvatos Vex in love with?
  16. Who were the first bounty hunters to attack the royals?
  17. Who is the main villain in 3 Below?
  18. Who is Gunmar's son?
  19. True or false: Toby has a pet goblin
  20. True or false: In the episode "Recipe for disaster", Claire snuck into Jim's basement
  21. LAST QUESTION: Why did Jim go into the Darklands alone?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Tales of Arcadia?
