Silvereight's Profile


Joined on Jun 25, 2012
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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Silvereight's Quizzes

Silvereight's Recent Posts

  • This is a Spam page
    "i cant be bothered to make lots of links and even if i wanted to, i cant! just click my name. i haven't got many quizzes (when i wrote this)..."
  • this is
    "cool. im a scorpio and most scorpio descriptions fit me perfectly. also, i would like to mention scorpios are not bullies! we just have trus..."
  • What Are You?
  • "i think its ok for a christian to believe what they want to believe but when they start saying that christianity is the only right religion ..."
  • Should I do it?
    "Thanks. I have made my decision to become a buddhist but feel free to comment still about buddhisim!"
  • Should I do it?
    "So, I'm thinking of becoming a buddhist. I know a bit about buddhisim like karma and the story of the buddha and I would really love some pe..."
  • The Club Club!
    "Attention everyone! I have made my choice and the club will be called *drumroll* The magic 8 club! So, get chatting and thanks to everyone w..."
  • "So, this is a forum for the A.N.T farm genius's. If you have taken my A.N.T farm trivia quiz, you know who you are, if you haven't taken it,..."
  • The Club Club!
    "i think the magic 8 club sounds good. i haven't decided yet but that is definatly one of my favourites."
  • "cool. what quiz is it. i wanna take it."
  • "un un un un un un un un un... huh? nope. un un un un un un un un un un un un un un *continues happily*"
  • Interviews here!
  • The Club Club!
    "so, this is a little club i made for anyone who thinks people don't like them on gtq. here, you will be able to chat with people who think t..."
  • "bait, clever!"
  • "i think its cute when a little child dressed like a devil comes and asks for sweets but when you get older, its stupid."

Silvereight's Recent Quiz Comments
