Shadow_Fox0010's Profile
Joined on May 28, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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Shadow_Fox0010's Recent Quiz Comments
"I feel somehow offended by this. I got the same one"
In response to urbanfantasist:
"Im a Zoomer - this is what came…"
1 -
"Imagine you save the person, and he dies 2 days later lol"
In response to His_Baby_Girl13:
"Your Result: You will die while saving…"
2 -
"Oh wow"
In response to Angelus:
"You have once again allowed one of the most…"
0 -
"Your Result: You will die in a car accident. 81%
Please, continue to buckle up, and try not to speed. More likely than not, it…"
3 replies2 -
"Yeah I got 51% as well. Look at my comment and you'll see how I responded"
In response to ClassyCoke:
"I received a 65%
"Others see you as…"
2 -
"I also hate being the centre of attention, but always seem to be it. It's aggravating when I'm just in class, and my teacher is like "Oh…"
In response to Shadow_Fox0010:
"Your score on this personality test was…"
1 -
"Your score on this personality test was 51
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting;…"
2 replies1 -
"I know you said this 8 months ago, but you should just ignore your parents. You should be with your lover and don't give a s--- about…"
In response to Depressionisinme:
"My parents hate the person i love and i cry all…"
1 -
"Woah Sidwini, that's a LOT of caps"
In response to ialwaystried:
"I don't know if they hate me but, they would…"
1 -
"I'm 12 and I'm not sure how I feel about my parents. They always tell me to clean up my messes, and I understand that, but they don't…"
3 replies3