Serge's Profile

Joined on May 18, 2017
Status Level: Hot Shot
Serge's Quizzes
- What do you look like on the inside?[published: Jan 06, 2018, 1 comment]
This is a very scientific quiz. I can see exactly what you look like on the inside. For……
- Do You Have Low Serotonin?[published: Jan 05, 2018]
Do you experience any mental issues? This test will diagnose the serotonin part of your……
- What Nootropic Should You Take?[published: Jan 04, 2018]
This quiz will determine which nootropic you should take. Good luck. This will point you in the……
- Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrin Quiz[published: Jan 02, 2018]
This quiz will test your dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine levels. This is……
- Which Job Should You Have In The Military?[published: Dec 31, 2017, 1 comment]
If there is a draft for the military in the USA you should be ready. This is what you……
- Inglorious Basterds Name Quiz[published: Dec 27, 2017]
There are many smart people, but few true Inglorious people. Are you inglorious? You just might……
- Fight Club Name Quiz[published: Dec 27, 2017]
There are great amazing people in the world. There are also terrible people who don't have conscious.……
- Stranger Things Name quiz[published: Dec 26, 2017]
There are many smart people in Stranger Things. Is it a smart thing to remember someone's name? Maybe.……
- What neurotransmitter do you need help with most?[published: Dec 24, 2017]
This quiz will determine which neurotransmitter you need to look into about……
- What would I give you for Christmas?[published: Dec 24, 2017, 1 comment]
This quiz will determine what Christmas gift Serge would get you. Thanks for taking this……
- What branch of the armed forces should I join?[published: Dec 23, 2017, 1 comment]
This quiz will help determine which branch of the US military you should join.……
- Which athlete said this quiz[published: Dec 21, 2017]
There are a lot of athletes out there, but very few become elite. These elite athletes have……
- Pop quiz hot shot[published: Dec 20, 2017]
Have you seen the movie Speed? Well if you haven't it is one of those movies you should go back and watch.……
- Which genre of music should you listen to?[published: Dec 20, 2017]
There are many great people out there. Are you great, good, or amazing? Well that……
- How much do you know about famous scientists?[published: Dec 18, 2017]
What are famous scientists like in their own words? This quiz will give you a good……
- Are you a genius?[published: Dec 18, 2017]
Some people don't know how to define a genius. Well Serge does. Here is a quiz that will separate the smart……
- What herb do you need?[published: Dec 17, 2017]
There are many great people. You may become great if you use Rosemary and Melissa. Simple as that. Do you……
- Are you elite??[published: Dec 16, 2017]
Are you elite? It's a simple question. This is a scientific quiz designed to weed out people who do not have……
- Do you have cognitive impairment?[published: Dec 16, 2017]
This quiz will determine if you have a cognitive impairment or not. This will also give you a……
- What round draft pick are you? (NFL)[published: Dec 13, 2017]
This quiz will determine what round you would be drafted in the NFL draft if you were……
- Game of Thrones Quiz[published: Dec 13, 2017]
Are you a Game of Thrones fan? Some people are and some people aren't. You should be able to get a few of……
- What is your sports brand?[published: Dec 13, 2017]
This quiz will determine what your favorite sports brand is. I guess Jordan, Puma, and others were……
- Should you become a Monk?[published: Dec 13, 2017]
There are many smart people out there. Monks may not be rocket scientists, but they are pretty smart.……
- Are you the best?[published: Dec 12, 2017]
This is a quiz about Breaking Bad. Do you know the actors real life names. This has nothing to do with……
- Do you have elite potential?[published: Dec 12, 2017]
Are you elite? You just might be. Maybe one day in about 20 years. Who knows. Good luck. I know you……
- Do you go against the grain?[published: Dec 12, 2017]
Do you want to be a loser? Well for some of you it's inevitable. You can be a loser with a lot of……
- I'm a Hot Freaking Shot[published: Dec 12, 2017]
Are you a hot shot? It's a simple question. Please take this quiz to see if you have potential of……
- How good of NFL fan are you?[published: Dec 12, 2017]
The NFL is great. It's the greatest league in the history of mankind. Although head injuries is a……
- How mentally ill are you?[published: Dec 10, 2017]
How out of it are you? This quiz deals with your mind. Sometimes it's hard gauge where someone is at.……
- Serge's Word Association Quiz[published: Dec 10, 2017]
This quiz will decide if you are an optimist, pessimist, or realist. Good luck. You will do great.……
- Serge's Buddhist Quiz[published: Dec 09, 2017]
Do you know about breathing the right way? What about mindfulness? Do you know what the 5 spiritual powers……
- Political Spectrum Quiz[published: Dec 08, 2017]
Do you want to know where you sit politically? Then you should take this quiz to see where your beliefs……
- What should I take for depression?[published: Dec 07, 2017]
Depression is a tricky illness. There isn't any pills that will make you happy. People with……
- Serge's Psychology Test[published: Dec 07, 2017]
Do you want to know if you have a healthy mind or not? Are you close to breaking down? This quiz will……
- Serge's Personality Test[published: Dec 06, 2017, 2 comments]
There are a total of 4 archetypes that you might obtain from taking this test. This test will reveal……
- Will you go to Valhalla when you die?[published: Dec 05, 2017]
Valhalla is a place in North Mythology where you go when you die in combat. Your wounds……
- What essential oil blend should you use?[published: Dec 03, 2017]
This is a quiz that will help you choose which essential oil blend to use. If you……
- Which cartoon should you watch?[published: Nov 27, 2017]
This quiz will determine which cartoon you should watch. I guess these could be called adult TV……
- Which Marvel Netflix Show Should You Watch?[published: Nov 27, 2017]
This is a quiz that will determine which Marvel Netflix show you should watch. I……
- Do you know what the Buddha taught?[published: Nov 26, 2017]
Buddhism is about Buddhism just like Christianity is about Christ. I see a pattern here. Did……
- What should you take for energy?[published: Nov 25, 2017]
Well what should you take? Do you need to smell something or ingest something. That is the……
- What job field should you go into?[published: Nov 25, 2017]
Well what area interests you most. It's different for everyone. Maybe you like to help……
- Are you a Christian or Buddhist?[published: Nov 25, 2017]
Well you just might want to brace yourself for this one. Are you more of a Buddhist or more of……
- What should I take to lose weight?[published: Nov 22, 2017]
Well this should really help you lose weight. You won't be disappointed. Thanks for taking……
- What should you take for anxiety?[published: Nov 22, 2017]
Do you have anxiety? If you do you should take this quiz. There are treatments out there that……
- What stimulant do you need?[published: Nov 21, 2017]
This quiz will determine what stimulate you should be taking. Be careful and if you are allergic to……
- Which essential oil should you use?[published: Nov 18, 2017]
I was reading a Buddhist Sutra and I read that Buddha said it smelled like Sandalwood. So I……
- Where will you go when you die?[published: Nov 12, 2017]
A lot of these questions have to do with Buddhism. Probably some of these questions will overlap……
- Are you an officer or enlisted?[published: Nov 12, 2017]
Do you want to be on a team or do you want to be an executive of the team. That is what we are……
- Are you an Air Monarch?[published: Sep 17, 2017]
You will dominate this quiz. It's a really finely made this quiz. It's probably the best quiz on the……
- Are you royally screwed?[published: Sep 16, 2017]
Are you screwed? Or perhaps royally screwed? Everyone knows the difference. When you are royally……
- Elite Elite Elite[published: Sep 15, 2017]
There are many dopes, but few true extreme dopes. Dopes are afterall, quite lame. What is a dope? You are the……
- Are you a gym rat?[published: Sep 14, 2017]
There are many great people out there. Some people that are great go to the gym every day. Some people call……
- How delicate are you?[published: Sep 13, 2017]
Well I was just watching and Old Spice commercial and Von Miller left an Old Spice container in his locker……
- How wholesome are you?[published: Sep 13, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many smart people who are stupid. Are you a stupid smart person. Well wholesome people don't……
- Are you excited for the NFL season?[published: Sep 10, 2017]
There are many people in the world. The NFL is entertainment to many. Are you one of those……
- Are you a couch potato?[published: Sep 09, 2017]
There are many potato's out there. Some of them sit on a couch and watch tv. Are you one of those. Maybe……
- Are you a sea wolf?[published: Sep 08, 2017]
Sea wolf is just another name for Viking. I just started reading a book about the Vikings and came across……
- Are you a dope?[published: Sep 08, 2017]
There are many geniuses out there. Also there are many dopes. The ratio of dopes to geniuses is off the charts.……
- Are you like Donald J?[published: Sep 07, 2017, 1 comment]
I met Donald J at an assisted living facility. He's one of the greatest guys I know. He doesn't have a……
- How sane are you?[published: Sep 07, 2017]
There are many crazies out there. But they just want to fit in. First of all they think you are talking about……
- Are you a sellout?[published: Sep 05, 2017]
There are many geniuses out there. Are you a genui? Maybe you are. Except this quiz is about being a sellout.……
- What does it mean to be elite?[published: Sep 05, 2017, 2 comments]
Are you the best? Maybe you are. Please take this quiz to see if you are the best. Maybe you are.……
- Are you a monkey's uncle?[published: Sep 04, 2017]
Well what is a monkey's uncle. You should take this quiz to see if you are one or not. Thanks for……
- Are you a giant?[published: Sep 04, 2017]
Are you a giant. Some people are giants. Maybe you aren't human. Maybe you are an alien. Please take this quiz……
- Should I join the military?[published: Sep 02, 2017]
This quiz is to see what branch of the military should you join. Some people already have an idea of……
- Could you work at a pawn shop?[published: Sep 02, 2017]
Are you the best? Some people are. Please take this quiz to see if you are the best. What is the……
- Ultra Elite Quiz[published: Sep 01, 2017, 2 comments]
You are the greatest. The greatest you hear me. You will make elite. It may not be fast but when you make elite……
- Simpsons Quotes Quiz[published: Sep 01, 2017, 1 comment]
The Simpsons is a great show. You've probably at least have heard of it. It's only been on TV for the past……
- Is your last name cantstandya?[published: Sep 01, 2017]
There are many bums out there. But everyone knows you are not a bum. You are probably like genius……
- How cool are you?[published: Aug 31, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many geniuses out there. Maybe you are one of them. Please take this quiz to see how cool you are.……
- Which Michael Crichton Novel Should You Read?[published: Aug 30, 2017]
This is a quiz to see which Michael Crichton novel you should read. He is a great……
- How awesome are you?[published: Aug 28, 2017, 2 comments]
There are so many dopes out there. Are you a dope. Probably not. You are probably the best. Please take……
- Should you quit taking your meds?[published: Aug 27, 2017, 1 comment]
The quiz maker stopped taking anti psychotics and experienced all these things on the quiz.……
- Are you a sociopath?[published: Aug 26, 2017, 1 comment]
Are you a sociopath? Some people are. Please take this quiz to see if you are a sociopath or not. Thanks.……
- Are you alive???[published: Aug 26, 2017]
Have you ever wondered how alive you were? Well this test scientifically can tell you what your alive status……
- World map quizz[published: Aug 25, 2017]
This quiz is about how good you are a looking at a map. All maps are different. So good luck. You are going to……
- Are you bonkers?[published: Aug 23, 2017]
There are many tv shows out there. Seinfeld is one them. Some people consider it to be the best tv show of all……
- Where should you get a tattoo at?[published: Aug 22, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many tattoos out there. You have to find the right one that fits you. Then you have……
- How disabled are you?[published: Aug 22, 2017, 6 comments]
You are the best. You did it. Great going you are the best. There are many disabled people out there. Are……
- Are you legitimate?[published: Aug 21, 2017]
There are many dopes out there. If you score high. You for sure aren't a dope. Good luck. Hopefully you……
- Are you a dirtball?[published: Aug 20, 2017]
There are many clean people and many dirtballs. Are you a dirtball? Some people are and proud. Some people……
- How smart are you?[published: Aug 19, 2017]
There are a lot of dumb people out there. Are you one of them? Or are you smart? Maybe you are smart who……
- Are you a tiger?[published: Aug 18, 2017]
Please take this amazing quiz. It will determine if you are a tiger or not. Thank you. Great going. Good job.……
- Should you name your son Donald?[published: Aug 18, 2017, 2 comments]
There are many dopey awesome people out there. Are you not one of them. Are you the best. Well……
- Do you know how to take a shower?[published: Aug 17, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many dopes in the universe. Are you one of them? Maybe you are one of them if you……
- What type of human are you?[published: Aug 17, 2017, 3 comments]
Well what type of human are you? Maybe you are a molten rock man. Who knows please take this quiz to……
- 200th quiz test[published: Aug 16, 2017, 2 comments]
There are many quiz makers out there. Serge is one of them. Thanks for taking this quiz. Good luck. You will……
- How much do you need military school?[published: Aug 16, 2017]
There are many dopes out there. Are you a dope? Well with military training it is supposed……
- Could you be a pro sports team owner?[published: Aug 16, 2017]
Do you want to own a pro sports team? Some people do. This quiz was inspired by the sell……
- Are you a great person?[published: Aug 15, 2017, 1 comment]
Please take this quiz to see if you are a great person. You just might be one who knows. If you think……
- Are you a beast?[published: Aug 15, 2017]
There are many great people in the world. This isn't measuring your greatness. This quiz is measuring your……
- Are you a fizzle?[published: Aug 14, 2017]
There are many geniuses out there. Are you one of them. Maybe you are. Please take this quiz to see if you are……
- What is your GoToQuiz Rank(level)?[published: Aug 14, 2017, 1 comment]
This is a very important. GoToQuiz is a very important website. Please take this quiz to see……
- So you want to be elite.....[published: Aug 13, 2017]
There are many ranks or levels. One of them is elite. One of them is expert, maybe? One of them is……
- Which Premier League Team Should You Support?[published: Aug 12, 2017]
This is a quiz that will give you a Premier League team to support when you are……
- Are you a hot shot? (a little premature)[published: Aug 12, 2017]
Well what is hot shot? Is it just a rank? Maybe it is. Please take this quiz to see if……
- How much is your soul worth?[published: Aug 12, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many great people out there. Are you one of them. Is your soul benefiting from you being……
- How beautiful are you?[published: Aug 11, 2017]
There are many beautiful people out there. Are you one of them. Maybe you are who knows. Please take this……
- Are you fugly? (only if you are lucky)[published: Aug 11, 2017]
Some people are funny looking and some people are ugly. Some people are both. Are you……
- Are you happy at all?[published: Aug 09, 2017, 2 comments]
There are many depressed people out there. They really suck. They suck the life out of the room. Are you……
- Are you a zombie?[published: Aug 09, 2017]
You are the best. You you really are. Although this is about being a zombie. You just might be a zombie. Who……
- Are you a genius?[published: Aug 09, 2017]
Are you the best? Maybe you are a genius. Who knows. You just might be a genius. Every so often there are……
- 84 day senior quiz[published: Aug 09, 2017]
There are many levels out there. Senior is one of them. How many days would it take you to reach senior. Does……
- Are you a senior?[published: Aug 09, 2017]
A senior afterall is a rank or a level, however you want to look at it. Do you think you could be a senior?……
- Are you a common doormat?[published: Aug 09, 2017]
There are many doormats in society. The welcome doormat and such. Are you something like that……
- How much do you know about American sports?[published: Aug 08, 2017]
There are many great people out there. However this isn't about great people it's……
- The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness (pg 210-222)[published: Aug 07, 2017]
There are a great number of people in the world. The Dalai Lama is one of……
- Should you get a Tiger or Dragon Tattoo?[published: Aug 07, 2017]
Some of the best tattoos are dragon and tiger tattoos. If you get them both in one……
- NFL Top 100 2017 Quiz[published: Aug 07, 2017]
Every year the NFL puts out top 100 lists. This is a quiz on the 2017 list about the top 100 players in……
- Are you smart enough to go to college?[published: Aug 07, 2017, 1 comment]
Should you go to college? This is most people's goal after high school. Are you smart……
- Pawn Stars Trivia 2[published: Aug 07, 2017]
There are many TV shows out there. Pawn Stars is one of them. It really is a great show. You should be……
- Pawn Stars Trivia[published: Aug 06, 2017]
There are many TV shows out there. Pawn Stars is one of them. It's a pretty interesting show that everyone……
- Should you own a dog?[published: Aug 06, 2017, 1 comment]
Do you like dogs? Who doesn't please take this quiz to see whether or not you should own a dog or not.……
- Do you have senioritis?[published: Aug 06, 2017]
Do you want to be a senior? Maybe you should take this quiz to see if you are a senior or not. Maybe you……
- Could you be a basketball player?[published: Aug 05, 2017]
Is basketball your sport? Maybe it is. Some people consider themselves basketball players.……
- What job should you have in the military?[published: Aug 05, 2017]
This is a military quiz designed to give you a job suggestion based off your answers……
- Will you be inducted into the hall of fame?[published: Aug 05, 2017]
This quiz is about the pro football hall of fame. The induction ceremony for the……
- Are you a simpleton?[published: Aug 04, 2017]
What is a simpleton? Is it someone that isn't smart? Maybe. It's up to you to decide what a simpleton is.……
- Are you a being controlled by someone else?[published: Aug 04, 2017]
Being controlled by someone else sucks. The "higher beings" tell crazy people what……
- The truthly truth[published: Aug 02, 2017]
Do you believe in aliens? Do you believe aliens are using mind control on people from earth? Maybe they are.……
- Which branch of the military should you join?[published: Aug 02, 2017]
This is a 12 question quiz that will give you an outcome for which branch of the……
- What type of traveler would you be in another country?[published: Jul 28, 2017]
There are many geniuses out there. Well this isn't about being genius.……
- Random Quiz For Everyone[published: Jul 27, 2017]
There are a lot of brilliant people out there. Are you one of them? Step one is doing great on this……
- How unique are you?[published: Jul 27, 2017]
There are many types of people out there. Some can be called unique. What is unique? Is it uncommon or not……
- How do you not become the villain in the end?[published: Jul 25, 2017]
Is religion a crutch? It may not be a crutch, but it is the only thing defending……
- Are you a good person?[published: Jul 25, 2017]
A good person is someone who can prevail through hard times with a good attitude. A good person just……
- Broncos Numbers Quiz[published: Jul 23, 2017]
The Broncos are one of the best organizations in the NFL. They are a million times better than the Raiders……
- The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness(193-209)[published: Jul 22, 2017]
There are many good people out there. What does it take to be good? Well it……
- World Dragon Quiz[published: Jul 22, 2017, 1 comment]
Well dragons can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are. Some may say dragons are proof……
- Are you a goon?[published: Jul 22, 2017]
There are a lot of goons out there. Hockey goons, political goons, and many more. If you are the leader of a……
- How much of a loser are you?[published: Jul 21, 2017]
A loser is defined by many these days. One may look at a loser as someone who lives off the……
- The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness (pg 176-192)[published: Jul 16, 2017]
The Dalai Lama is a great guy and has a lot of insight into some very……
- Bruce Lee or Jet Li quotes[published: Jul 15, 2017]
Bruce Lee was the founder of the martial art Jeet Kune do. He is widely considered to be one of the……
- The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness (pg 151-175)[published: Jul 15, 2017]
The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness is a fine read. It's about how to……
- Should you join the military?[published: Jul 15, 2017]
You will get an outcome of yes or no depending on if you should join the military or not. If you……
- Are you out of touch with reality?[published: Jul 15, 2017]
This is a 12 question quiz about the status of how in touch you are with current music and……
- Where Will You Go When You Die?[published: Jul 09, 2017]
There are many different views on the afterlife. This is just one person's opinion on what will……
- Mental Illness Quiz[published: Jul 08, 2017]
Well what is mental illness? Is it the opposite of stable? Maybe it is. Please take this comprehensive quiz……
- How much of a nihilist are you?[published: Jul 08, 2017]
Google defines a nihilist as someone who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all……
- Are you crazy like a fox or just crazy?[published: Jul 06, 2017, 2 comments]
This is a ten question quiz that will scientifically tell you if you are crazy like a……
- How messed up are you?[published: Jul 06, 2017]
There are some pretty messed up people out there. Are you one of them? This quiz scientifically tells you……
- How Deep Are You?[published: Jul 05, 2017, 1 comment]
What do people think of when they think of deep? Some people think of Denzel Washington movies. Oh yeah, you……
- How to talk yourself down?[published: Jul 03, 2017]
Well if you are in a tough situation you may have some bad thoughts. Here is just something to think……
- Should you become a troll?[published: Jul 02, 2017]
You have to have a pretty good memory to be a troll and you have to be pretty clever. Trolls come in……
- Could you pass intro to art history?[published: Jul 01, 2017]
Well when you go to college maybe you can take intro to art history. It isn't as easy as it……
- Should you buy a chromebook?[published: Jul 01, 2017]
There are a lot of computers you can buy. Some people just don't have very much money or they……
- Will You Go Crazy?[published: Jun 30, 2017]
Crazy isn't a politically correct term, but you can't be politically correct with everything. Some people……
- Do you understand Serge?[published: Jun 30, 2017]
Well this is quiz that is near and dear to Serge. Do you understand him? Well it would help you……
- Do you have a personality similar to Serge?[published: Jun 29, 2017]
Do you know who Serge is? Well you should probably figure out who Serge is before……
- Have you given up?[published: Jun 29, 2017]
This is a quiz about giving up. If you are sensitive maybe this quiz isn't for you. There are some thought……
- How much full of dodo are you?[published: Jun 29, 2017]
Please take this quiz about dodo. You won't be disappointed. This quiz scientifically proves if……
- Movie Quotes Quiz[published: Jun 29, 2017, 1 comment]
This is a quiz about movie quotes and when the quiz maker couldn't think of any more quotes the quiz maker……
- Top 2% IQ Quizz[published: Jun 28, 2017, 2 comments]
Well the title to this quiz is a little misleading. Really these are basic questions some really smart children……
- Advanced Quizz?[published: Jun 27, 2017, 1 comment]
Are you the best. Well that doesn't matter in this quiz. You will see. Thanks for taking the quiz. Thanks you……
- Are you a beast?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
Are you the best. Well that doesn't matter in this quiz. You will see. Thanks for taking the quiz. Thanks you……
- Are you a joker?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
Are you the best. Well that doesn't matter in this quiz. You will see. Thanks for taking the quiz. Thanks you……
- 2000's Movies Quiz[published: Jun 27, 2017]
This is a very subjective quiz on which movie is the best. If you have the same taste as Serge you are right.……
- 90's Movies Quiz[published: Jun 27, 2017, 1 comment]
This is a very subjective quiz on which movie is the best. If you have the same taste as Serge you are right.……
- How I reached advanced?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
Are you the best? If you are the best please let other know you are the best. Thanks for taking this……
- Do you have an addictive personality?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
There are many people on the planet. Are you one of the people. Ahh what was this quiz……
- Are you advanced?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
Are you the best? Well you don't have to be the best to be advanced. Or do you. Please take this quiz. You……
- Are you a bad person?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
Are you smart? Maybe you are dumb. Well this quiz isn't about that it is about if you are a bad person or……
- Are you a rhino?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
You did it. You are taking the quiz. Holy bonkers. This is amazing. Thanks for taking this wonderfully amazing……
- Are you a bandit?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
Please take this amazing quiz on bandits. Are you a bandit? You just might be one. Please take this quiz to……
- What's your nickname?[published: Jun 27, 2017, 2 comments]
There are many smart people in the world. Well you don't have to smart to have a nickname. You have be……
- Are you a winner or loser?[published: Jun 27, 2017]
People can distinguish between between a winner and a loser rather easily. Is there a scientific way……
- Could you laugh so hard you would fall off a dinosaur?[published: Jun 26, 2017]
There are many people out there. What was this quiz about again. Oh yeah……
- Are you notorious?[published: Jun 26, 2017]
There are many ways to handle rap music. You can be totally against it. Or you can admire how talented they……
- Are you a genius?[published: Jun 26, 2017]
There are many buffoons out there. Well a lot of buffoons. Are you smart or are you a buffoon. Maybe you are a……
- Why I don't like Christianity?[published: Jun 26, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many religions out there. A lot of stuff doesn't make that much sense. The universe can……
- The downside to liking Star Wars?[published: Jun 26, 2017, 1 comment]
Only one of the questions matters. Can you guess which one that is? Maybe you can and maybe……
- Which Comedic Movie From 2005 Should You Watch?[published: Jun 25, 2017]
There are many years. 2005 was a pretty good one. Some people graduated high……
- Which Comedy Movie Should You Watch From 2004?[published: Jun 25, 2017]
This is a quiz about 4 great comedies from 2004. This gives you a movie……
- How Successful Will You Be?[published: Jun 25, 2017]
Do you have potential? What is potential? Is it how successful you can be? Some people have limits.……
- What Kind Of Pawn Broker Are You?[published: Jun 25, 2017]
Well the quiz maker is watching Pawn Stars and he thought he'd make a quiz. Some of these……
- Are You A Nighthawk Or A Dragon?[published: Jun 25, 2017]
There are many funny movies out there. Step Brothers may be the funniest. You need to see this……
- What Creature Are You?[published: Jun 24, 2017]
Well this is an interesting quiz. Basically this quiz is what the universe told one person. The universe……
- Are You A Coward?[published: Jun 24, 2017]
Some people thrive under adversary and some people crumble. Which do you do? Some of the questions are from……
- Are You A Punk?[published: Jun 24, 2017]
Punks are the bottom of society. Just kidding. The quiz maker doesn't know that much about being a punk. He just……
- Will You End Up In Prison?[published: Jun 24, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many decent people that go to prison. It's easy to get caught up with the wrong people or……
- Could You Pass A College Freshman History Quiz?[published: Jun 24, 2017]
This is a great quiz about early American history. The quiz maker did pretty……
- Should You Be Medicated? (Psych Meds)[published: Jun 23, 2017]
There are many loony people out there. Sometimes it's okay to be loony, but if you can't……
- Does God Hate You? (Karma quiz)[published: Jun 23, 2017, 9 comments]
Well this quiz is about Karma and what God would think of you if there is a God or not. Please……
- Are You Jason Bourne?[published: Jun 15, 2017]
The quiz maker turned on the newest Bourne movie and thought to make a quiz. The quiz maker watched a good……
- Which Movie Should You Watch On The 4th Of July?[published: Jun 15, 2017]
This is a quiz for which movie should you watch on the 4th of July. Some people……
- How Well Do You Know Buddhist Populations?[published: Jun 14, 2017]
Just to warn you the answers came from wikipedia and some of the numbers were from……
- Are You Old Enough To Be On This Thread?[published: Jun 13, 2017, 2 comments]
This quiz will determine if you are old enough on the inside to come into Serge's……
- Do You Have The Same Opinion Of The NFL As Serge?[published: Jun 12, 2017]
What are your beliefs about the NFL? Maybe you have some teams you like and……
- Can You Guess The Story For The New Spider Man Movie?[published: Jun 12, 2017, 1 comment]
This is a quiz predicting the story for the 2017 Spider Man. Look the quiz……
- Which History Channel Show Should You Watch?[published: Jun 11, 2017]
There are many shows to watch out there. The History channel has great programming.……
- How Psychic Are You?[published: Jun 11, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many smart people out there. Some people are smart, but they can see the truth without knowing……
- Could You Be Sponsored By Red Bull?[published: Jun 11, 2017]
Red Bull is one of the biggest energy drink companies in the world. Could they sponsor you?……
- Perfect IQ Test[published: Jun 11, 2017, 3 comments]
Well this quiz will determine your IQ. Good luck. The quiz maker hopes you do great. You probably will do fine.……
- Which Batman Villain Are You?[published: Jun 11, 2017, 2 comments]
These Batman villains are from Christopher Nolan's Batman movies. Commonly referred to as the Dark……
- Things You Can't Do?[published: Jun 10, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many geniuses out there. Are you one of them. Maybe you are. Wait this is about stuff you can't……
- What Class Will You Be When You Grow Up?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
There are many things you can be in your future. The class at where you will be living……
- What Are You Missing?[published: Jun 10, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many buffoons out there. Are you a buffoon? Probably not. Maybe you like money. Who doesn't.……
- Will You Be Homeless When You Grow Up?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
There are many homeless people out there. If you don't watch out you just might be one of……
- Are You A Jerk?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
Well the jerkstore called they said they are all out of you. Seinfeld is the best. How could you not like……
- Are You A Joke?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
You are brilliant. This is a brilliant quiz. What was it about again. I don't even remember. Something about……
- 24 Day Experienced[published: Jun 10, 2017]
There are many brilliant people out there. Gotoquiz has perfected the ranking system with a few glitches of……
- Are You A Meat Head?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
There are many meat heads out there. Are you one of them? Probably. Meat heads are great. The protein……
- Are You The Best?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
There are many good people. Do you have what it takes to be the best. Maybe you do. Who knows. Maybe you are……
- Are You Mentally Ill?[published: Jun 10, 2017]
There are many mentally ill people out there. Mental illness can be tough and meds they put you on leave……
- Are You Similar to Serge?[published: Jun 10, 2017, 1 comment]
Well you are taking to quiz to see how similar you are to Serge. Interesting topic right? Probably the……
- How Smart Does Serge Think You Are?[published: Jun 09, 2017]
Does Serge think you are smart? Maybe he does. Please take this quiz to determine if you are……
- Could You Be A Rocket Scientist?[published: Jun 09, 2017]
There are many professions on the planet Earth. There are many different ways to be a rocket……
- Do You Like The Same Movies As Serge?[published: Jun 09, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many great people. You might be the greatest if you have similar movie interests……
- Could You Be President Of The USA?[published: Jun 09, 2017]
This quiz will give you a better idea of your future. Could you be the president of the USA?……
- Are You A Badass?[published: Jun 09, 2017]
Hopefully this word is allowed. Badass. There I said it. It's a pretty common word. It might be allowed on TV.……
- How Dumb Are You?[published: Jun 09, 2017, 4 comments]
Everyone is a little bit ignorant every now and again, but there are some things everyone should know. Most of……
- How Awesome Are You?[published: Jun 09, 2017]
Basically if you get really awesome you have the same interests as the quiz maker. Only answer from each……
- Are You A Monster?[published: Jun 08, 2017]
This quiz is the closest thing you'll get to determining who is and who isn't a monster. Are you big? Are you……
- What Type Of Cheeto Are You?[published: Jun 08, 2017]
There are many Cheetos. Which one are you most like? Maybe you are like the jalapeno cheeto. Or the……
- Could You Win A Marathon?[published: Jun 08, 2017]
Could you win a marathon? Do you know how long a marathon is? Do you know why it's called a marathon?……
- How Evil Are You?[published: Jun 08, 2017, 1 comment]
It's pretty hard to be evil. Some people have just been through heck and that's seems to be their only path. I……
- Do People Love You?[published: Jun 08, 2017]
This quiz will determine if people love you or not. What is love? Do parents love children no matter what.……
- Do People Respect You?[published: Jun 07, 2017, 3 comments]
This quiz will determine if people respect you or not. Some people just keep their mouth shut and are……
- What Movie Would I Reccomend For You?[published: Jun 07, 2017]
These are movies Serge really likes. Based off your answers you will get a movie……
- Could You End Up In A Psych Ward?[published: Jun 07, 2017]
Oddly enough the quiz maker ended up in a psych ward. It was because he stopped taking his……
- Are Most People Secretly In Love With You?[published: Jun 07, 2017, 3 comments]
This is a pretty superficial quiz. It's just meant to be fun dumb little quiz. Most……
- Do People Hate You?[published: Jun 07, 2017, 2 comments]
Hate is a strong word, but that's how people talk. People don't say I kinda don't like someone else. People……
- How To Lose Weight?[published: Jun 07, 2017]
There are many ways to lose weight. Simply you have to eat less and exercise. That's all you have to do.……
- Are You A Movie Snob?[published: Jun 06, 2017, 1 comment]
This quiz determines if you are a movie snob or not. Everyone is a critic when it comes to movies, but……
- What Should You Read?[published: Jun 06, 2017, 2 comments]
This is a quiz that will make a reading recommendation. You could either get Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien,……
- Breaking Bad Trivia[published: Jun 05, 2017]
There are many great shows. Breaking Bad may be the best. If you've watched the show you should take this……
- Firefighter or Cop[published: Jun 05, 2017]
This quiz is to see if you'd rather be a firefighter or a cop. It should show you which you'd be better at.……
- Where Could You Work In the Electronic Field?[published: Jun 05, 2017]
There are many places you can work in the electrical field. With the consumer. You……
- What Is Your Wing Sauce?[published: Jun 05, 2017]
The wing sauce flavors used are from Wingstop. The quiz maker is waiting for Wingstop to open so he……
- What Should You Drink?[published: Jun 05, 2017]
This is just a simple quiz about what you should drink. No alcohol here. Just Diet Coke, Protein Shake,……
- Denver Broncos Fan Quiz[published: Jun 05, 2017]
The Denver Broncos is the best organization in the NFL. This is a Broncos trivia quiz. The Broncos own……
- How Much Does Serge Like You?[published: Jun 04, 2017, 3 comments]
There are millions of people on the planet. Actually billions. Serge is just one of them. Are you……
- What You Should Do If You Have Leg or Foot Pain[published: Jun 03, 2017]
This is it. This is what you've been missing. Do you want to know why people are……
- It Doesn't Get Any Better Than The Big Dinner Box[published: Jun 03, 2017]
There are many pizza's out there, but one stands above all of them. The Big……
- 17 Day Junior Quiz[published: Jun 03, 2017]
There are many great accomplishments. This is one of them. This quiz is about Serge and how he reached junior……
- What City Do You Want To Live In?[published: Jun 03, 2017]
There are many places to live. I've just picked out a couple I've been to. Maybe you would……
- Navy Basics Quiz[published: Jun 03, 2017]
The Navy is just one branch of the military. You could have learned a lot about the Navy maybe when you were in……
- Do You Have The Karma To Be Rich?[published: Jun 02, 2017, 2 comments]
Karma is a tricky thing. Karma is the reaction of all your actions. You are what you do.……
- How To Get Started In Bodybuilding[published: Jun 02, 2017]
This is just one person's opinion. It's really not a field that's easy to get started in. The……
- Person, Place, or Thing Lord of the Rings Quiz[published: Jun 02, 2017, 1 comment]
Lord of the Rings is rated as one of the best movies of all time. It is one of……
- Are You A Terrible Person?[published: Jun 01, 2017, 3 comments]
There are many bad people. Most people are good though and want to do the right thing. Some people……
- What Type of Roommate Do You Deserve?[published: Jun 01, 2017]
Roommates can be really beneficial. They can help you and make you better. Or they can……
- Supplement Quiz[published: May 31, 2017]
There are many people trying to sell you stuff out there. You need to find the supplements that you are most……
- How Well Do You Know Vitamins?[published: May 31, 2017]
There's a vitamin for just about every disorder now-a-days. If you have cancer or have a mental……
- Which Trilogy Is For You?[published: May 28, 2017]
These are the 5 greatest trilogies in the quiz makers opinion. These movies should be watched by……
- How Do You Acquire Six Pack Abs?[published: May 27, 2017]
This quiz is tips on acquiring a six pack. It really isn't that hard. Your diet is what's most……
- What Type Of Fantasy Football Player Are You?[published: May 27, 2017]
This quiz is for the 2017 NFL football season. It is about what type of fantasy……
- Should You Start Smoking?[published: May 25, 2017]
Smoking is bad for you. Simple is that. The consequences of smoking are pretty scary just check out……
- What Should I Take For A Pre-Workout Supplement?[published: May 25, 2017]
There are many types of pre-workout supplements. Some are better than others. I……
- What Workout Supplement Should You Take?[published: May 24, 2017]
This quiz is about Animal supplements. There are a lot of crap you can put in your……
- How Delusional Are You?[published: May 24, 2017]
There are many illnesses. Being delusional is one of them. This is a test to see how delusional you are.……
- Where Should I Go For Mexican Food?[published: May 24, 2017]
Where should you eat? You are probably pretty hungry. Where should you go? Maybe this list……
- Which Sport Should I Watch?[published: May 23, 2017]
The quiz maker likes both the NFL and soccer. The list maker also gets annoyed by commercials and……
- Should I Watch Dexter?[published: May 23, 2017]
There are many shows on TV. Unfortunately this one is off the air. It was great though while it was on.……
- Could You Ever Be In A Serious Relationship?[published: May 22, 2017]
There are many relationships out there. Some good and some bad. Everyone wants to……
- Could You Be In The Military?[published: May 22, 2017, 1 comment]
This quiz is about the US military. If you are from another country you can still take the quiz.……
- Could You Be A Pro Athlete?[published: May 22, 2017, 1 comment]
Being a pro athlete can be quite the task for some people. Can you take the punishment and……
- Which South Park Episdoe Should I Watch?[published: May 22, 2017, 1 comment]
There are 20 seasons of South Park. There are quite a few episodes in each season.……
- Should I Watch Travelers?[published: May 21, 2017]
You should really check out Travelers. It's a great show with a great story. If you can wrap your head……
- Should I Watch Stranger Things?[published: May 21, 2017, 1 comment]
Stranger Things is a great show. Take this quiz to see if you should watch it or not. You might……
- Should I Watch Breaking Bad?[published: May 21, 2017]
There are many great shows out there. Breaking Bad may be the best. Take this quiz to see if you……
- What Rank Would You Be In The Military?[published: May 21, 2017, 1 comment]
This quiz is about the Navy. Not everyone knows Navy ranks so this will familiarize with……
- I Want To Watch A Movie About A Psych Ward[published: May 20, 2017]
There aren't many movies about psych wards. Some people have spent years in a psych……
- What Creature Were You In A Previous Life?[published: May 20, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many beings in the world. Every creature has a soul. So what made you want……
- What Should I Watch On Netflix?[published: May 20, 2017, 1 comment]
Netflix is great. What should you watch. Here are some shows you might find interesting. They……
- How Colorado Are You?[published: May 20, 2017]
There are 50 states in the USA. Colorado is one of them. It's a great place to visit and live. There's a……
- Which Hobbit Are You?[published: May 19, 2017, 1 comment]
Hobbits are from the Shire. Most of them are pretty bright. Not all of them. Hobbits aren't use to……
- Are You a Buddhist?[published: May 19, 2017, 1 comment]
Are you Buddhist. It's a simple question. If you want to say your a Buddhist you should probably go to……
- Where Should I Go For Wings?[published: May 19, 2017]
There are many wing joints. The three that come to my mind are Hooters, Buffalo Wild Wings, and……
- Should I Watch Game of Thrones?[published: May 19, 2017, 1 comment]
Should you watch Game of Thrones? Hmmmmm. Certain scenes really bother people. Can you see past……
- Which X-Men Are You?[published: May 19, 2017]
Find out which x-men hero or heroine you are most like. This is a great quiz intended to mold you into 5……
- Which DC Superhero Are You?[published: May 18, 2017, 2 comments]
This quiz is about DC. Superhero movies are great. They are perfect for little kids keeping their……
- Are You A Technician, Electrician, or Engineer?[published: May 18, 2017, 1 comment]
There are many skills and jobs out there. Some are electricians, technicians,……
- Are You A Piece of Work?[published: May 18, 2017, 1 comment]
There are some really crummy people. There are some lovable crummy people in film and tv. Are you one……
- Which Quentin Tarantino Movie Should I Watch?[published: May 18, 2017]
These are truly one of kind movies. There's a lot of action, but also a lot of……
- Which Breaking Bad character are you?[published: May 17, 2017, 3 comments]
Breaking Bad is an amazing show. The creator of this list has seen the entire show through……
- Would you kneel during the national anthem?[published: May 17, 2017]
There are a lot of stances to take. In the NFL it's career suicide to take a stand……
- Are you a fan of ESPN?[published: May 17, 2017]
ESPN is a great network. There's probably 50 channels within the ESPN family. ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN news and……
- Are you psychic?[published: May 17, 2017]
This will tell you a percentage on how close you were to finding the red dot. There are really no way for you……
- What is your spirit animal?[published: May 17, 2017, 1 comment]
I've seen some pretty crazy things. The universe sees creature as analogies to your life and thinks……
- Which superhero are you?[published: May 16, 2017]
Superhero's come in many packages, but this specific list will mold you into 1 of 4 heroes. This list……
- Are you bi-polar, schizophrenic, or schizoaffective?[published: May 16, 2017, 1 comment]
Some people have dabbled in most every branch of mental health. The……
- Which sport should I play?[published: May 16, 2017]
Sports is for everyone and it is crucial for kids to be apart of. Learning teamwork and hard……
Serge's Recent Posts
"I watched the Case for Christ on Netflix. It was pretty good."
"I just want to be informed about Christianity. I'm experiencing something terrible and the only way to beat it is Christianity. That's what ..."
"Today I bought: What's so great about Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza. The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness ..."
"Thanks. I'll definitely read those. I think having Christianity in my life is the only way for me to have a normal life."
"Do you recommend any books about Christianity? Congrats on being experienced."
"What do you look like on the inside?"
"Do You Have Low Serotonin?"
"What Nootropic Should You Take?"
"Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrin Quiz..."
"Which Job Should You Have In The Military?"
"Inglorious Basterds Name Quiz"
"Fight Club Name Quiz"
"I figured out this status thing. If you do nothing to your account your status barely gets higher. I did nothing to my Hawk account for 4 mo..."
"Stranger Things Name quiz"
Serge's Recent Quiz Comments
"Great quiz."
1 -
"I got tropical beach. Pretty spot on with me."
3 -
"I'm 56% evil. I don't like the result like usual."
1 -
"93% Yes. One of these days I will. I might start watching them tomorrow or 10 years from now. I'm not sure."
2 -
"Nice quiz. 10 stars."
1 -
"10 stars. Nice quiz."
1 -
"On number 4 a ps3 isn't a nintendo console that's why I chose it."
1 -
"10 stars. Nice quiz."
1 -
"Some pretty original questions. Good job."
1 -
"I translated it to english. The hound was translated to the hawk. It was slightly confusing. Tough quiz though."