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Joined on May 18, 2017
Status Level: Hot Shot

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Serge's Quizzes

  • What do you look like on the inside?
    [published: Jan 06, 2018, 1 comment]

    This is a very scientific quiz. I can see exactly what you look like on the inside. For……

  • Do You Have Low Serotonin?
    [published: Jan 05, 2018]

    Do you experience any mental issues? This test will diagnose the serotonin part of your……

  • What Nootropic Should You Take?
    [published: Jan 04, 2018]

    This quiz will determine which nootropic you should take. Good luck. This will point you in the……

  • Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrin Quiz
    [published: Jan 02, 2018]

    This quiz will test your dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine levels. This is……

  • Which Job Should You Have In The Military?
    [published: Dec 31, 2017, 1 comment]

    If there is a draft for the military in the USA you should be ready. This is what you……

  • Inglorious Basterds Name Quiz
    [published: Dec 27, 2017]

    There are many smart people, but few true Inglorious people. Are you inglorious? You just might……

  • Fight Club Name Quiz
    [published: Dec 27, 2017]

    There are great amazing people in the world. There are also terrible people who don't have conscious.……

  • Stranger Things Name quiz
    [published: Dec 26, 2017]

    There are many smart people in Stranger Things. Is it a smart thing to remember someone's name? Maybe.……

  • What neurotransmitter do you need help with most?
    [published: Dec 24, 2017]

    This quiz will determine which neurotransmitter you need to look into about……

  • What would I give you for Christmas?
    [published: Dec 24, 2017, 1 comment]

    This quiz will determine what Christmas gift Serge would get you. Thanks for taking this……

  • What branch of the armed forces should I join?
    [published: Dec 23, 2017, 1 comment]

    This quiz will help determine which branch of the US military you should join.……

  • Which athlete said this quiz
    [published: Dec 21, 2017]

    There are a lot of athletes out there, but very few become elite. These elite athletes have……

  • Pop quiz hot shot
    [published: Dec 20, 2017]

    Have you seen the movie Speed? Well if you haven't it is one of those movies you should go back and watch.……

  • Which genre of music should you listen to?
    [published: Dec 20, 2017]

    There are many great people out there. Are you great, good, or amazing? Well that……

  • How much do you know about famous scientists?
    [published: Dec 18, 2017]

    What are famous scientists like in their own words? This quiz will give you a good……

  • Are you a genius?
    [published: Dec 18, 2017]

    Some people don't know how to define a genius. Well Serge does. Here is a quiz that will separate the smart……

  • What herb do you need?
    [published: Dec 17, 2017]

    There are many great people. You may become great if you use Rosemary and Melissa. Simple as that. Do you……

  • Are you elite??
    [published: Dec 16, 2017]

    Are you elite? It's a simple question. This is a scientific quiz designed to weed out people who do not have……

  • Do you have cognitive impairment?
    [published: Dec 16, 2017]

    This quiz will determine if you have a cognitive impairment or not. This will also give you a……

  • What round draft pick are you? (NFL)
    [published: Dec 13, 2017]

    This quiz will determine what round you would be drafted in the NFL draft if you were……

  • Game of Thrones Quiz
    [published: Dec 13, 2017]

    Are you a Game of Thrones fan? Some people are and some people aren't. You should be able to get a few of……

  • What is your sports brand?
    [published: Dec 13, 2017]

    This quiz will determine what your favorite sports brand is. I guess Jordan, Puma, and others were……

  • Should you become a Monk?
    [published: Dec 13, 2017]

    There are many smart people out there. Monks may not be rocket scientists, but they are pretty smart.……

  • Are you the best?
    [published: Dec 12, 2017]

    This is a quiz about Breaking Bad. Do you know the actors real life names. This has nothing to do with……

  • Do you have elite potential?
    [published: Dec 12, 2017]

    Are you elite? You just might be. Maybe one day in about 20 years. Who knows. Good luck. I know you……

  • Do you go against the grain?
    [published: Dec 12, 2017]

    Do you want to be a loser? Well for some of you it's inevitable. You can be a loser with a lot of……

  • I'm a Hot Freaking Shot
    [published: Dec 12, 2017]

    Are you a hot shot? It's a simple question. Please take this quiz to see if you have potential of……

  • How good of NFL fan are you?
    [published: Dec 12, 2017]

    The NFL is great. It's the greatest league in the history of mankind. Although head injuries is a……

  • How mentally ill are you?
    [published: Dec 10, 2017]

    How out of it are you? This quiz deals with your mind. Sometimes it's hard gauge where someone is at.……

  • Serge's Word Association Quiz
    [published: Dec 10, 2017]

    This quiz will decide if you are an optimist, pessimist, or realist. Good luck. You will do great.……

  • Serge's Buddhist Quiz
    [published: Dec 09, 2017]

    Do you know about breathing the right way? What about mindfulness? Do you know what the 5 spiritual powers……

  • Political Spectrum Quiz
    [published: Dec 08, 2017]

    Do you want to know where you sit politically? Then you should take this quiz to see where your beliefs……

  • What should I take for depression?
    [published: Dec 07, 2017]

    Depression is a tricky illness. There isn't any pills that will make you happy. People with……

  • Serge's Psychology Test
    [published: Dec 07, 2017]

    Do you want to know if you have a healthy mind or not? Are you close to breaking down? This quiz will……

  • Serge's Personality Test
    [published: Dec 06, 2017, 2 comments]

    There are a total of 4 archetypes that you might obtain from taking this test. This test will reveal……

  • Will you go to Valhalla when you die?
    [published: Dec 05, 2017]

    Valhalla is a place in North Mythology where you go when you die in combat. Your wounds……

  • What essential oil blend should you use?
    [published: Dec 03, 2017]

    This is a quiz that will help you choose which essential oil blend to use. If you……

  • Which cartoon should you watch?
    [published: Nov 27, 2017]

    This quiz will determine which cartoon you should watch. I guess these could be called adult TV……

  • Which Marvel Netflix Show Should You Watch?
    [published: Nov 27, 2017]

    This is a quiz that will determine which Marvel Netflix show you should watch. I……

  • Do you know what the Buddha taught?
    [published: Nov 26, 2017]

    Buddhism is about Buddhism just like Christianity is about Christ. I see a pattern here. Did……

  • What should you take for energy?
    [published: Nov 25, 2017]

    Well what should you take? Do you need to smell something or ingest something. That is the……

  • What job field should you go into?
    [published: Nov 25, 2017]

    Well what area interests you most. It's different for everyone. Maybe you like to help……

  • Are you a Christian or Buddhist?
    [published: Nov 25, 2017]

    Well you just might want to brace yourself for this one. Are you more of a Buddhist or more of……

  • What should I take to lose weight?
    [published: Nov 22, 2017]

    Well this should really help you lose weight. You won't be disappointed. Thanks for taking……

  • What should you take for anxiety?
    [published: Nov 22, 2017]

    Do you have anxiety? If you do you should take this quiz. There are treatments out there that……

  • What stimulant do you need?
    [published: Nov 21, 2017]

    This quiz will determine what stimulate you should be taking. Be careful and if you are allergic to……

  • Which essential oil should you use?
    [published: Nov 18, 2017]

    I was reading a Buddhist Sutra and I read that Buddha said it smelled like Sandalwood. So I……

  • Where will you go when you die?
    [published: Nov 12, 2017]

    A lot of these questions have to do with Buddhism. Probably some of these questions will overlap……

  • Are you an officer or enlisted?
    [published: Nov 12, 2017]

    Do you want to be on a team or do you want to be an executive of the team. That is what we are……

  • Are you an Air Monarch?
    [published: Sep 17, 2017]

    You will dominate this quiz. It's a really finely made this quiz. It's probably the best quiz on the……

  • Are you royally screwed?
    [published: Sep 16, 2017]

    Are you screwed? Or perhaps royally screwed? Everyone knows the difference. When you are royally……

  • Elite Elite Elite
    [published: Sep 15, 2017]

    There are many dopes, but few true extreme dopes. Dopes are afterall, quite lame. What is a dope? You are the……

  • Are you a gym rat?
    [published: Sep 14, 2017]

    There are many great people out there. Some people that are great go to the gym every day. Some people call……

  • How delicate are you?
    [published: Sep 13, 2017]

    Well I was just watching and Old Spice commercial and Von Miller left an Old Spice container in his locker……

  • How wholesome are you?
    [published: Sep 13, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many smart people who are stupid. Are you a stupid smart person. Well wholesome people don't……

  • Are you excited for the NFL season?
    [published: Sep 10, 2017]

    There are many people in the world. The NFL is entertainment to many. Are you one of those……

  • Are you a couch potato?
    [published: Sep 09, 2017]

    There are many potato's out there. Some of them sit on a couch and watch tv. Are you one of those. Maybe……

  • Are you a sea wolf?
    [published: Sep 08, 2017]

    Sea wolf is just another name for Viking. I just started reading a book about the Vikings and came across……

  • Are you a dope?
    [published: Sep 08, 2017]

    There are many geniuses out there. Also there are many dopes. The ratio of dopes to geniuses is off the charts.……

  • Are you like Donald J?
    [published: Sep 07, 2017, 1 comment]

    I met Donald J at an assisted living facility. He's one of the greatest guys I know. He doesn't have a……

  • How sane are you?
    [published: Sep 07, 2017]

    There are many crazies out there. But they just want to fit in. First of all they think you are talking about……

  • Are you a sellout?
    [published: Sep 05, 2017]

    There are many geniuses out there. Are you a genui? Maybe you are. Except this quiz is about being a sellout.……

  • What does it mean to be elite?
    [published: Sep 05, 2017, 2 comments]

    Are you the best? Maybe you are. Please take this quiz to see if you are the best. Maybe you are.……

  • Are you a monkey's uncle?
    [published: Sep 04, 2017]

    Well what is a monkey's uncle. You should take this quiz to see if you are one or not. Thanks for……

  • Are you a giant?
    [published: Sep 04, 2017]

    Are you a giant. Some people are giants. Maybe you aren't human. Maybe you are an alien. Please take this quiz……

  • Should I join the military?
    [published: Sep 02, 2017]

    This quiz is to see what branch of the military should you join. Some people already have an idea of……

  • Could you work at a pawn shop?
    [published: Sep 02, 2017]

    Are you the best? Some people are. Please take this quiz to see if you are the best. What is the……

  • Ultra Elite Quiz
    [published: Sep 01, 2017, 2 comments]

    You are the greatest. The greatest you hear me. You will make elite. It may not be fast but when you make elite……

  • Simpsons Quotes Quiz
    [published: Sep 01, 2017, 1 comment]

    The Simpsons is a great show. You've probably at least have heard of it. It's only been on TV for the past……

  • Is your last name cantstandya?
    [published: Sep 01, 2017]

    There are many bums out there. But everyone knows you are not a bum. You are probably like genius……

  • How cool are you?
    [published: Aug 31, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many geniuses out there. Maybe you are one of them. Please take this quiz to see how cool you are.……

  • Which Michael Crichton Novel Should You Read?
    [published: Aug 30, 2017]

    This is a quiz to see which Michael Crichton novel you should read. He is a great……

  • How awesome are you?
    [published: Aug 28, 2017, 2 comments]

    There are so many dopes out there. Are you a dope. Probably not. You are probably the best. Please take……

  • Should you quit taking your meds?
    [published: Aug 27, 2017, 1 comment]

    The quiz maker stopped taking anti psychotics and experienced all these things on the quiz.……

  • Are you a sociopath?
    [published: Aug 26, 2017, 1 comment]

    Are you a sociopath? Some people are. Please take this quiz to see if you are a sociopath or not. Thanks.……

  • Are you alive???
    [published: Aug 26, 2017]

    Have you ever wondered how alive you were? Well this test scientifically can tell you what your alive status……

  • World map quizz
    [published: Aug 25, 2017]

    This quiz is about how good you are a looking at a map. All maps are different. So good luck. You are going to……

  • Are you bonkers?
    [published: Aug 23, 2017]

    There are many tv shows out there. Seinfeld is one them. Some people consider it to be the best tv show of all……

  • Where should you get a tattoo at?
    [published: Aug 22, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many tattoos out there. You have to find the right one that fits you. Then you have……

  • How disabled are you?
    [published: Aug 22, 2017, 6 comments]

    You are the best. You did it. Great going you are the best. There are many disabled people out there. Are……

  • Are you legitimate?
    [published: Aug 21, 2017]

    There are many dopes out there. If you score high. You for sure aren't a dope. Good luck. Hopefully you……

  • Are you a dirtball?
    [published: Aug 20, 2017]

    There are many clean people and many dirtballs. Are you a dirtball? Some people are and proud. Some people……

  • How smart are you?
    [published: Aug 19, 2017]

    There are a lot of dumb people out there. Are you one of them? Or are you smart? Maybe you are smart who……

  • Are you a tiger?
    [published: Aug 18, 2017]

    Please take this amazing quiz. It will determine if you are a tiger or not. Thank you. Great going. Good job.……

  • Should you name your son Donald?
    [published: Aug 18, 2017, 2 comments]

    There are many dopey awesome people out there. Are you not one of them. Are you the best. Well……

  • Do you know how to take a shower?
    [published: Aug 17, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many dopes in the universe. Are you one of them? Maybe you are one of them if you……

  • What type of human are you?
    [published: Aug 17, 2017, 3 comments]

    Well what type of human are you? Maybe you are a molten rock man. Who knows please take this quiz to……

  • 200th quiz test
    [published: Aug 16, 2017, 2 comments]

    There are many quiz makers out there. Serge is one of them. Thanks for taking this quiz. Good luck. You will……

  • How much do you need military school?
    [published: Aug 16, 2017]

    There are many dopes out there. Are you a dope? Well with military training it is supposed……

  • Could you be a pro sports team owner?
    [published: Aug 16, 2017]

    Do you want to own a pro sports team? Some people do. This quiz was inspired by the sell……

  • Are you a great person?
    [published: Aug 15, 2017, 1 comment]

    Please take this quiz to see if you are a great person. You just might be one who knows. If you think……

  • Are you a beast?
    [published: Aug 15, 2017]

    There are many great people in the world. This isn't measuring your greatness. This quiz is measuring your……

  • Are you a fizzle?
    [published: Aug 14, 2017]

    There are many geniuses out there. Are you one of them. Maybe you are. Please take this quiz to see if you are……

  • What is your GoToQuiz Rank(level)?
    [published: Aug 14, 2017, 1 comment]

    This is a very important. GoToQuiz is a very important website. Please take this quiz to see……

  • So you want to be elite.....
    [published: Aug 13, 2017]

    There are many ranks or levels. One of them is elite. One of them is expert, maybe? One of them is……

  • Which Premier League Team Should You Support?
    [published: Aug 12, 2017]

    This is a quiz that will give you a Premier League team to support when you are……

  • Are you a hot shot? (a little premature)
    [published: Aug 12, 2017]

    Well what is hot shot? Is it just a rank? Maybe it is. Please take this quiz to see if……

  • How much is your soul worth?
    [published: Aug 12, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many great people out there. Are you one of them. Is your soul benefiting from you being……

  • How beautiful are you?
    [published: Aug 11, 2017]

    There are many beautiful people out there. Are you one of them. Maybe you are who knows. Please take this……

  • Are you fugly? (only if you are lucky)
    [published: Aug 11, 2017]

    Some people are funny looking and some people are ugly. Some people are both. Are you……

  • Are you happy at all?
    [published: Aug 09, 2017, 2 comments]

    There are many depressed people out there. They really suck. They suck the life out of the room. Are you……

  • Are you a zombie?
    [published: Aug 09, 2017]

    You are the best. You you really are. Although this is about being a zombie. You just might be a zombie. Who……

  • Are you a genius?
    [published: Aug 09, 2017]

    Are you the best? Maybe you are a genius. Who knows. You just might be a genius. Every so often there are……

  • 84 day senior quiz
    [published: Aug 09, 2017]

    There are many levels out there. Senior is one of them. How many days would it take you to reach senior. Does……

  • Are you a senior?
    [published: Aug 09, 2017]

    A senior afterall is a rank or a level, however you want to look at it. Do you think you could be a senior?……

  • Are you a common doormat?
    [published: Aug 09, 2017]

    There are many doormats in society. The welcome doormat and such. Are you something like that……

  • How much do you know about American sports?
    [published: Aug 08, 2017]

    There are many great people out there. However this isn't about great people it's……

  • The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness (pg 210-222)
    [published: Aug 07, 2017]

    There are a great number of people in the world. The Dalai Lama is one of……

  • Should you get a Tiger or Dragon Tattoo?
    [published: Aug 07, 2017]

    Some of the best tattoos are dragon and tiger tattoos. If you get them both in one……

  • NFL Top 100 2017 Quiz
    [published: Aug 07, 2017]

    Every year the NFL puts out top 100 lists. This is a quiz on the 2017 list about the top 100 players in……

  • Are you smart enough to go to college?
    [published: Aug 07, 2017, 1 comment]

    Should you go to college? This is most people's goal after high school. Are you smart……

  • Pawn Stars Trivia 2
    [published: Aug 07, 2017]

    There are many TV shows out there. Pawn Stars is one of them. It really is a great show. You should be……

  • Pawn Stars Trivia
    [published: Aug 06, 2017]

    There are many TV shows out there. Pawn Stars is one of them. It's a pretty interesting show that everyone……

  • Should you own a dog?
    [published: Aug 06, 2017, 1 comment]

    Do you like dogs? Who doesn't please take this quiz to see whether or not you should own a dog or not.……

  • Do you have senioritis?
    [published: Aug 06, 2017]

    Do you want to be a senior? Maybe you should take this quiz to see if you are a senior or not. Maybe you……

  • Could you be a basketball player?
    [published: Aug 05, 2017]

    Is basketball your sport? Maybe it is. Some people consider themselves basketball players.……

  • What job should you have in the military?
    [published: Aug 05, 2017]

    This is a military quiz designed to give you a job suggestion based off your answers……

  • Will you be inducted into the hall of fame?
    [published: Aug 05, 2017]

    This quiz is about the pro football hall of fame. The induction ceremony for the……

  • Are you a simpleton?
    [published: Aug 04, 2017]

    What is a simpleton? Is it someone that isn't smart? Maybe. It's up to you to decide what a simpleton is.……

  • Are you a being controlled by someone else?
    [published: Aug 04, 2017]

    Being controlled by someone else sucks. The "higher beings" tell crazy people what……

  • The truthly truth
    [published: Aug 02, 2017]

    Do you believe in aliens? Do you believe aliens are using mind control on people from earth? Maybe they are.……

  • Which branch of the military should you join?
    [published: Aug 02, 2017]

    This is a 12 question quiz that will give you an outcome for which branch of the……

  • What type of traveler would you be in another country?
    [published: Jul 28, 2017]

    There are many geniuses out there. Well this isn't about being genius.……

  • Random Quiz For Everyone
    [published: Jul 27, 2017]

    There are a lot of brilliant people out there. Are you one of them? Step one is doing great on this……

  • How unique are you?
    [published: Jul 27, 2017]

    There are many types of people out there. Some can be called unique. What is unique? Is it uncommon or not……

  • How do you not become the villain in the end?
    [published: Jul 25, 2017]

    Is religion a crutch? It may not be a crutch, but it is the only thing defending……

  • Are you a good person?
    [published: Jul 25, 2017]

    A good person is someone who can prevail through hard times with a good attitude. A good person just……

  • Broncos Numbers Quiz
    [published: Jul 23, 2017]

    The Broncos are one of the best organizations in the NFL. They are a million times better than the Raiders……

  • The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness(193-209)
    [published: Jul 22, 2017]

    There are many good people out there. What does it take to be good? Well it……

  • World Dragon Quiz
    [published: Jul 22, 2017, 1 comment]

    Well dragons can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are. Some may say dragons are proof……

  • Are you a goon?
    [published: Jul 22, 2017]

    There are a lot of goons out there. Hockey goons, political goons, and many more. If you are the leader of a……

  • How much of a loser are you?
    [published: Jul 21, 2017]

    A loser is defined by many these days. One may look at a loser as someone who lives off the……

  • The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness (pg 176-192)
    [published: Jul 16, 2017]

    The Dalai Lama is a great guy and has a lot of insight into some very……

  • Bruce Lee or Jet Li quotes
    [published: Jul 15, 2017]

    Bruce Lee was the founder of the martial art Jeet Kune do. He is widely considered to be one of the……

  • The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness (pg 151-175)
    [published: Jul 15, 2017]

    The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness is a fine read. It's about how to……

  • Should you join the military?
    [published: Jul 15, 2017]

    You will get an outcome of yes or no depending on if you should join the military or not. If you……

  • Are you out of touch with reality?
    [published: Jul 15, 2017]

    This is a 12 question quiz about the status of how in touch you are with current music and……

  • Where Will You Go When You Die?
    [published: Jul 09, 2017]

    There are many different views on the afterlife. This is just one person's opinion on what will……

  • Mental Illness Quiz
    [published: Jul 08, 2017]

    Well what is mental illness? Is it the opposite of stable? Maybe it is. Please take this comprehensive quiz……

  • How much of a nihilist are you?
    [published: Jul 08, 2017]

    Google defines a nihilist as someone who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all……

  • Are you crazy like a fox or just crazy?
    [published: Jul 06, 2017, 2 comments]

    This is a ten question quiz that will scientifically tell you if you are crazy like a……

  • How messed up are you?
    [published: Jul 06, 2017]

    There are some pretty messed up people out there. Are you one of them? This quiz scientifically tells you……

  • How Deep Are You?
    [published: Jul 05, 2017, 1 comment]

    What do people think of when they think of deep? Some people think of Denzel Washington movies. Oh yeah, you……

  • How to talk yourself down?
    [published: Jul 03, 2017]

    Well if you are in a tough situation you may have some bad thoughts. Here is just something to think……

  • Should you become a troll?
    [published: Jul 02, 2017]

    You have to have a pretty good memory to be a troll and you have to be pretty clever. Trolls come in……

  • Could you pass intro to art history?
    [published: Jul 01, 2017]

    Well when you go to college maybe you can take intro to art history. It isn't as easy as it……

  • Should you buy a chromebook?
    [published: Jul 01, 2017]

    There are a lot of computers you can buy. Some people just don't have very much money or they……

  • Will You Go Crazy?
    [published: Jun 30, 2017]

    Crazy isn't a politically correct term, but you can't be politically correct with everything. Some people……

  • Do you understand Serge?
    [published: Jun 30, 2017]

    Well this is quiz that is near and dear to Serge. Do you understand him? Well it would help you……

  • Do you have a personality similar to Serge?
    [published: Jun 29, 2017]

    Do you know who Serge is? Well you should probably figure out who Serge is before……

  • Have you given up?
    [published: Jun 29, 2017]

    This is a quiz about giving up. If you are sensitive maybe this quiz isn't for you. There are some thought……

  • How much full of dodo are you?
    [published: Jun 29, 2017]

    Please take this quiz about dodo. You won't be disappointed. This quiz scientifically proves if……

  • Movie Quotes Quiz
    [published: Jun 29, 2017, 1 comment]

    This is a quiz about movie quotes and when the quiz maker couldn't think of any more quotes the quiz maker……

  • Top 2% IQ Quizz
    [published: Jun 28, 2017, 2 comments]

    Well the title to this quiz is a little misleading. Really these are basic questions some really smart children……

  • Advanced Quizz?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017, 1 comment]

    Are you the best. Well that doesn't matter in this quiz. You will see. Thanks for taking the quiz. Thanks you……

  • Are you a beast?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    Are you the best. Well that doesn't matter in this quiz. You will see. Thanks for taking the quiz. Thanks you……

  • Are you a joker?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    Are you the best. Well that doesn't matter in this quiz. You will see. Thanks for taking the quiz. Thanks you……

  • 2000's Movies Quiz
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    This is a very subjective quiz on which movie is the best. If you have the same taste as Serge you are right.……

  • 90's Movies Quiz
    [published: Jun 27, 2017, 1 comment]

    This is a very subjective quiz on which movie is the best. If you have the same taste as Serge you are right.……

  • How I reached advanced?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    Are you the best? If you are the best please let other know you are the best. Thanks for taking this……

  • Do you have an addictive personality?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    There are many people on the planet. Are you one of the people. Ahh what was this quiz……

  • Are you advanced?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    Are you the best? Well you don't have to be the best to be advanced. Or do you. Please take this quiz. You……

  • Are you a bad person?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    Are you smart? Maybe you are dumb. Well this quiz isn't about that it is about if you are a bad person or……

  • Are you a rhino?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    You did it. You are taking the quiz. Holy bonkers. This is amazing. Thanks for taking this wonderfully amazing……

  • Are you a bandit?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    Please take this amazing quiz on bandits. Are you a bandit? You just might be one. Please take this quiz to……

  • What's your nickname?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017, 2 comments]

    There are many smart people in the world. Well you don't have to smart to have a nickname. You have be……

  • Are you a winner or loser?
    [published: Jun 27, 2017]

    People can distinguish between between a winner and a loser rather easily. Is there a scientific way……

  • Could you laugh so hard you would fall off a dinosaur?
    [published: Jun 26, 2017]

    There are many people out there. What was this quiz about again. Oh yeah……

  • Are you notorious?
    [published: Jun 26, 2017]

    There are many ways to handle rap music. You can be totally against it. Or you can admire how talented they……

  • Are you a genius?
    [published: Jun 26, 2017]

    There are many buffoons out there. Well a lot of buffoons. Are you smart or are you a buffoon. Maybe you are a……

  • Why I don't like Christianity?
    [published: Jun 26, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many religions out there. A lot of stuff doesn't make that much sense. The universe can……

  • The downside to liking Star Wars?
    [published: Jun 26, 2017, 1 comment]

    Only one of the questions matters. Can you guess which one that is? Maybe you can and maybe……

  • Which Comedic Movie From 2005 Should You Watch?
    [published: Jun 25, 2017]

    There are many years. 2005 was a pretty good one. Some people graduated high……

  • Which Comedy Movie Should You Watch From 2004?
    [published: Jun 25, 2017]

    This is a quiz about 4 great comedies from 2004. This gives you a movie……

  • How Successful Will You Be?
    [published: Jun 25, 2017]

    Do you have potential? What is potential? Is it how successful you can be? Some people have limits.……

  • What Kind Of Pawn Broker Are You?
    [published: Jun 25, 2017]

    Well the quiz maker is watching Pawn Stars and he thought he'd make a quiz. Some of these……

  • Are You A Nighthawk Or A Dragon?
    [published: Jun 25, 2017]

    There are many funny movies out there. Step Brothers may be the funniest. You need to see this……

  • What Creature Are You?
    [published: Jun 24, 2017]

    Well this is an interesting quiz. Basically this quiz is what the universe told one person. The universe……

  • Are You A Coward?
    [published: Jun 24, 2017]

    Some people thrive under adversary and some people crumble. Which do you do? Some of the questions are from……

  • Are You A Punk?
    [published: Jun 24, 2017]

    Punks are the bottom of society. Just kidding. The quiz maker doesn't know that much about being a punk. He just……

  • Will You End Up In Prison?
    [published: Jun 24, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many decent people that go to prison. It's easy to get caught up with the wrong people or……

  • Could You Pass A College Freshman History Quiz?
    [published: Jun 24, 2017]

    This is a great quiz about early American history. The quiz maker did pretty……

  • Should You Be Medicated? (Psych Meds)
    [published: Jun 23, 2017]

    There are many loony people out there. Sometimes it's okay to be loony, but if you can't……

  • Does God Hate You? (Karma quiz)
    [published: Jun 23, 2017, 9 comments]

    Well this quiz is about Karma and what God would think of you if there is a God or not. Please……

  • Are You Jason Bourne?
    [published: Jun 15, 2017]

    The quiz maker turned on the newest Bourne movie and thought to make a quiz. The quiz maker watched a good……

  • Which Movie Should You Watch On The 4th Of July?
    [published: Jun 15, 2017]

    This is a quiz for which movie should you watch on the 4th of July. Some people……

  • How Well Do You Know Buddhist Populations?
    [published: Jun 14, 2017]

    Just to warn you the answers came from wikipedia and some of the numbers were from……

  • Are You Old Enough To Be On This Thread?
    [published: Jun 13, 2017, 2 comments]

    This quiz will determine if you are old enough on the inside to come into Serge's……

  • Do You Have The Same Opinion Of The NFL As Serge?
    [published: Jun 12, 2017]

    What are your beliefs about the NFL? Maybe you have some teams you like and……

  • Can You Guess The Story For The New Spider Man Movie?
    [published: Jun 12, 2017, 1 comment]

    This is a quiz predicting the story for the 2017 Spider Man. Look the quiz……

  • Which History Channel Show Should You Watch?
    [published: Jun 11, 2017]

    There are many shows to watch out there. The History channel has great programming.……

  • How Psychic Are You?
    [published: Jun 11, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many smart people out there. Some people are smart, but they can see the truth without knowing……

  • Could You Be Sponsored By Red Bull?
    [published: Jun 11, 2017]

    Red Bull is one of the biggest energy drink companies in the world. Could they sponsor you?……

  • Perfect IQ Test
    [published: Jun 11, 2017, 3 comments]

    Well this quiz will determine your IQ. Good luck. The quiz maker hopes you do great. You probably will do fine.……

  • Which Batman Villain Are You?
    [published: Jun 11, 2017, 2 comments]

    These Batman villains are from Christopher Nolan's Batman movies. Commonly referred to as the Dark……

  • Things You Can't Do?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many geniuses out there. Are you one of them. Maybe you are. Wait this is about stuff you can't……

  • What Class Will You Be When You Grow Up?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    There are many things you can be in your future. The class at where you will be living……

  • What Are You Missing?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many buffoons out there. Are you a buffoon? Probably not. Maybe you like money. Who doesn't.……

  • Will You Be Homeless When You Grow Up?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    There are many homeless people out there. If you don't watch out you just might be one of……

  • Are You A Jerk?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    Well the jerkstore called they said they are all out of you. Seinfeld is the best. How could you not like……

  • Are You A Joke?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    You are brilliant. This is a brilliant quiz. What was it about again. I don't even remember. Something about……

  • 24 Day Experienced
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    There are many brilliant people out there. Gotoquiz has perfected the ranking system with a few glitches of……

  • Are You A Meat Head?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    There are many meat heads out there. Are you one of them? Probably. Meat heads are great. The protein……

  • Are You The Best?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    There are many good people. Do you have what it takes to be the best. Maybe you do. Who knows. Maybe you are……

  • Are You Mentally Ill?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017]

    There are many mentally ill people out there. Mental illness can be tough and meds they put you on leave……

  • Are You Similar to Serge?
    [published: Jun 10, 2017, 1 comment]

    Well you are taking to quiz to see how similar you are to Serge. Interesting topic right? Probably the……

  • How Smart Does Serge Think You Are?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017]

    Does Serge think you are smart? Maybe he does. Please take this quiz to determine if you are……

  • Could You Be A Rocket Scientist?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017]

    There are many professions on the planet Earth. There are many different ways to be a rocket……

  • Do You Like The Same Movies As Serge?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many great people. You might be the greatest if you have similar movie interests……

  • Could You Be President Of The USA?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017]

    This quiz will give you a better idea of your future. Could you be the president of the USA?……

  • Are You A Badass?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017]

    Hopefully this word is allowed. Badass. There I said it. It's a pretty common word. It might be allowed on TV.……

  • How Dumb Are You?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017, 4 comments]

    Everyone is a little bit ignorant every now and again, but there are some things everyone should know. Most of……

  • How Awesome Are You?
    [published: Jun 09, 2017]

    Basically if you get really awesome you have the same interests as the quiz maker. Only answer from each……

  • Are You A Monster?
    [published: Jun 08, 2017]

    This quiz is the closest thing you'll get to determining who is and who isn't a monster. Are you big? Are you……

  • What Type Of Cheeto Are You?
    [published: Jun 08, 2017]

    There are many Cheetos. Which one are you most like? Maybe you are like the jalapeno cheeto. Or the……

  • Could You Win A Marathon?
    [published: Jun 08, 2017]

    Could you win a marathon? Do you know how long a marathon is? Do you know why it's called a marathon?……

  • How Evil Are You?
    [published: Jun 08, 2017, 1 comment]

    It's pretty hard to be evil. Some people have just been through heck and that's seems to be their only path. I……

  • Do People Love You?
    [published: Jun 08, 2017]

    This quiz will determine if people love you or not. What is love? Do parents love children no matter what.……

  • Do People Respect You?
    [published: Jun 07, 2017, 3 comments]

    This quiz will determine if people respect you or not. Some people just keep their mouth shut and are……

  • What Movie Would I Reccomend For You?
    [published: Jun 07, 2017]

    These are movies Serge really likes. Based off your answers you will get a movie……

  • Could You End Up In A Psych Ward?
    [published: Jun 07, 2017]

    Oddly enough the quiz maker ended up in a psych ward. It was because he stopped taking his……

  • Are Most People Secretly In Love With You?
    [published: Jun 07, 2017, 3 comments]

    This is a pretty superficial quiz. It's just meant to be fun dumb little quiz. Most……

  • Do People Hate You?
    [published: Jun 07, 2017, 2 comments]

    Hate is a strong word, but that's how people talk. People don't say I kinda don't like someone else. People……

  • How To Lose Weight?
    [published: Jun 07, 2017]

    There are many ways to lose weight. Simply you have to eat less and exercise. That's all you have to do.……

  • Are You A Movie Snob?
    [published: Jun 06, 2017, 1 comment]

    This quiz determines if you are a movie snob or not. Everyone is a critic when it comes to movies, but……

  • What Should You Read?
    [published: Jun 06, 2017, 2 comments]

    This is a quiz that will make a reading recommendation. You could either get Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien,……

  • Breaking Bad Trivia
    [published: Jun 05, 2017]

    There are many great shows. Breaking Bad may be the best. If you've watched the show you should take this……

  • Firefighter or Cop
    [published: Jun 05, 2017]

    This quiz is to see if you'd rather be a firefighter or a cop. It should show you which you'd be better at.……

  • Where Could You Work In the Electronic Field?
    [published: Jun 05, 2017]

    There are many places you can work in the electrical field. With the consumer. You……

  • What Is Your Wing Sauce?
    [published: Jun 05, 2017]

    The wing sauce flavors used are from Wingstop. The quiz maker is waiting for Wingstop to open so he……

  • What Should You Drink?
    [published: Jun 05, 2017]

    This is just a simple quiz about what you should drink. No alcohol here. Just Diet Coke, Protein Shake,……

  • Denver Broncos Fan Quiz
    [published: Jun 05, 2017]

    The Denver Broncos is the best organization in the NFL. This is a Broncos trivia quiz. The Broncos own……

  • How Much Does Serge Like You?
    [published: Jun 04, 2017, 3 comments]

    There are millions of people on the planet. Actually billions. Serge is just one of them. Are you……

  • What You Should Do If You Have Leg or Foot Pain
    [published: Jun 03, 2017]

    This is it. This is what you've been missing. Do you want to know why people are……

  • It Doesn't Get Any Better Than The Big Dinner Box
    [published: Jun 03, 2017]

    There are many pizza's out there, but one stands above all of them. The Big……

  • 17 Day Junior Quiz
    [published: Jun 03, 2017]

    There are many great accomplishments. This is one of them. This quiz is about Serge and how he reached junior……

  • What City Do You Want To Live In?
    [published: Jun 03, 2017]

    There are many places to live. I've just picked out a couple I've been to. Maybe you would……

  • Navy Basics Quiz
    [published: Jun 03, 2017]

    The Navy is just one branch of the military. You could have learned a lot about the Navy maybe when you were in……

  • Do You Have The Karma To Be Rich?
    [published: Jun 02, 2017, 2 comments]

    Karma is a tricky thing. Karma is the reaction of all your actions. You are what you do.……

  • How To Get Started In Bodybuilding
    [published: Jun 02, 2017]

    This is just one person's opinion. It's really not a field that's easy to get started in. The……

  • Person, Place, or Thing Lord of the Rings Quiz
    [published: Jun 02, 2017, 1 comment]

    Lord of the Rings is rated as one of the best movies of all time. It is one of……

  • Are You A Terrible Person?
    [published: Jun 01, 2017, 3 comments]

    There are many bad people. Most people are good though and want to do the right thing. Some people……

  • What Type of Roommate Do You Deserve?
    [published: Jun 01, 2017]

    Roommates can be really beneficial. They can help you and make you better. Or they can……

  • Supplement Quiz
    [published: May 31, 2017]

    There are many people trying to sell you stuff out there. You need to find the supplements that you are most……

  • How Well Do You Know Vitamins?
    [published: May 31, 2017]

    There's a vitamin for just about every disorder now-a-days. If you have cancer or have a mental……

  • Which Trilogy Is For You?
    [published: May 28, 2017]

    These are the 5 greatest trilogies in the quiz makers opinion. These movies should be watched by……

  • How Do You Acquire Six Pack Abs?
    [published: May 27, 2017]

    This quiz is tips on acquiring a six pack. It really isn't that hard. Your diet is what's most……

  • What Type Of Fantasy Football Player Are You?
    [published: May 27, 2017]

    This quiz is for the 2017 NFL football season. It is about what type of fantasy……

  • Should You Start Smoking?
    [published: May 25, 2017]

    Smoking is bad for you. Simple is that. The consequences of smoking are pretty scary just check out……

  • What Should I Take For A Pre-Workout Supplement?
    [published: May 25, 2017]

    There are many types of pre-workout supplements. Some are better than others. I……

  • What Workout Supplement Should You Take?
    [published: May 24, 2017]

    This quiz is about Animal supplements. There are a lot of crap you can put in your……

  • How Delusional Are You?
    [published: May 24, 2017]

    There are many illnesses. Being delusional is one of them. This is a test to see how delusional you are.……

  • Where Should I Go For Mexican Food?
    [published: May 24, 2017]

    Where should you eat? You are probably pretty hungry. Where should you go? Maybe this list……

  • Which Sport Should I Watch?
    [published: May 23, 2017]

    The quiz maker likes both the NFL and soccer. The list maker also gets annoyed by commercials and……

  • Should I Watch Dexter?
    [published: May 23, 2017]

    There are many shows on TV. Unfortunately this one is off the air. It was great though while it was on.……

  • Could You Ever Be In A Serious Relationship?
    [published: May 22, 2017]

    There are many relationships out there. Some good and some bad. Everyone wants to……

  • Could You Be In The Military?
    [published: May 22, 2017, 1 comment]

    This quiz is about the US military. If you are from another country you can still take the quiz.……

  • Could You Be A Pro Athlete?
    [published: May 22, 2017, 1 comment]

    Being a pro athlete can be quite the task for some people. Can you take the punishment and……

  • Which South Park Episdoe Should I Watch?
    [published: May 22, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are 20 seasons of South Park. There are quite a few episodes in each season.……

  • Should I Watch Travelers?
    [published: May 21, 2017]

    You should really check out Travelers. It's a great show with a great story. If you can wrap your head……

  • Should I Watch Stranger Things?
    [published: May 21, 2017, 1 comment]

    Stranger Things is a great show. Take this quiz to see if you should watch it or not. You might……

  • Should I Watch Breaking Bad?
    [published: May 21, 2017]

    There are many great shows out there. Breaking Bad may be the best. Take this quiz to see if you……

  • What Rank Would You Be In The Military?
    [published: May 21, 2017, 1 comment]

    This quiz is about the Navy. Not everyone knows Navy ranks so this will familiarize with……

  • I Want To Watch A Movie About A Psych Ward
    [published: May 20, 2017]

    There aren't many movies about psych wards. Some people have spent years in a psych……

  • What Creature Were You In A Previous Life?
    [published: May 20, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many beings in the world. Every creature has a soul. So what made you want……

  • What Should I Watch On Netflix?
    [published: May 20, 2017, 1 comment]

    Netflix is great. What should you watch. Here are some shows you might find interesting. They……

  • How Colorado Are You?
    [published: May 20, 2017]

    There are 50 states in the USA. Colorado is one of them. It's a great place to visit and live. There's a……

  • Which Hobbit Are You?
    [published: May 19, 2017, 1 comment]

    Hobbits are from the Shire. Most of them are pretty bright. Not all of them. Hobbits aren't use to……

  • Are You a Buddhist?
    [published: May 19, 2017, 1 comment]

    Are you Buddhist. It's a simple question. If you want to say your a Buddhist you should probably go to……

  • Where Should I Go For Wings?
    [published: May 19, 2017]

    There are many wing joints. The three that come to my mind are Hooters, Buffalo Wild Wings, and……

  • Should I Watch Game of Thrones?
    [published: May 19, 2017, 1 comment]

    Should you watch Game of Thrones? Hmmmmm. Certain scenes really bother people. Can you see past……

  • Which X-Men Are You?
    [published: May 19, 2017]

    Find out which x-men hero or heroine you are most like. This is a great quiz intended to mold you into 5……

  • Which DC Superhero Are You?
    [published: May 18, 2017, 2 comments]

    This quiz is about DC. Superhero movies are great. They are perfect for little kids keeping their……

  • Are You A Technician, Electrician, or Engineer?
    [published: May 18, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are many skills and jobs out there. Some are electricians, technicians,……

  • Are You A Piece of Work?
    [published: May 18, 2017, 1 comment]

    There are some really crummy people. There are some lovable crummy people in film and tv. Are you one……

  • Which Quentin Tarantino Movie Should I Watch?
    [published: May 18, 2017]

    These are truly one of kind movies. There's a lot of action, but also a lot of……

  • Which Breaking Bad character are you?
    [published: May 17, 2017, 3 comments]

    Breaking Bad is an amazing show. The creator of this list has seen the entire show through……

  • Would you kneel during the national anthem?
    [published: May 17, 2017]

    There are a lot of stances to take. In the NFL it's career suicide to take a stand……

  • Are you a fan of ESPN?
    [published: May 17, 2017]

    ESPN is a great network. There's probably 50 channels within the ESPN family. ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN news and……

  • Are you psychic?
    [published: May 17, 2017]

    This will tell you a percentage on how close you were to finding the red dot. There are really no way for you……

  • What is your spirit animal?
    [published: May 17, 2017, 1 comment]

    I've seen some pretty crazy things. The universe sees creature as analogies to your life and thinks……

  • Which superhero are you?
    [published: May 16, 2017]

    Superhero's come in many packages, but this specific list will mold you into 1 of 4 heroes. This list……

  • Are you bi-polar, schizophrenic, or schizoaffective?
    [published: May 16, 2017, 1 comment]

    Some people have dabbled in most every branch of mental health. The……

  • Which sport should I play?
    [published: May 16, 2017]

    Sports is for everyone and it is crucial for kids to be apart of. Learning teamwork and hard……

Serge's Recent Posts

  • "I watched the Case for Christ on Netflix. It was pretty good."
  • "I just want to be informed about Christianity. I'm experiencing something terrible and the only way to beat it is Christianity. That's what ..."
  • "Today I bought: What's so great about Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza. The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness ..."
  • "Thanks. I'll definitely read those. I think having Christianity in my life is the only way for me to have a normal life."
  • "Do you recommend any books about Christianity? Congrats on being experienced."
  • Hot Shot
  • Hot Shot
    "What do you look like on the inside?"
  • Hot Shot
    "Do You Have Low Serotonin?"
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    "What Nootropic Should You Take?"
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    "Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrin Quiz..."
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    "Which Job Should You Have In The Military?"
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    "Inglorious Basterds Name Quiz"
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    "Fight Club Name Quiz"
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    "I figured out this status thing. If you do nothing to your account your status barely gets higher. I did nothing to my Hawk account for 4 mo..."
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    "Stranger Things Name quiz"

Serge's Recent Quiz Comments
