What Nootropic Should You Take?

This quiz will determine which nootropic you should take. Good luck. This will point you in the right direction. Thanks for taking this great amazingly awesome quiz.

Are you smart? Well these nootropics will make you smarter simple as that. Many people take supplements for their body, but your brain is most important.

Created by: Serge

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you eat a good amount of dairy products, wheat, and meats?
  2. Do you need memory enhancement?
  3. Do you need your clarity of thought enhanced?
  4. Do you want to take a mood enhancer?
  5. Do you need fat to be converted into energy?
  6. Do you have mental fatigue?
  7. Are you depressed?
  8. Do you need an antioxidant?
  9. Do you have anxiety?
  10. Is it hard for you to form memories?
  11. Do you need a better short term and long term memory?
  12. Do you think both hemispheres of your brain need to function better?
  13. What do you need help with most?

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Quiz topic: What Nootropic should I Take?