Have you given up?

This is a quiz about giving up. If you are sensitive maybe this quiz isn't for you. There are some thought provoking questions about giving up. Maybe you have and didn't know it.

Have you given up? Maybe you have. That's okay. Everyone probably has given up on different levels. Sometimes is healthy to quit something, but to give up on life seems rather drastic.

Created by: Serge

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do on friday night?
  2. Your friends would call you?
  3. How long have you been with your girlfriend/boyfriend? (significant other)
  4. Are you hopeless?
  5. How old are you expecting to be?
  6. If you made a fool of yourself would you even know?
  7. Your friends are going to a sporting event, but you don't want to go, why?
  8. Have you ever had a job and just quit showing up for work without notice?
  9. Which Simpsons character are you?
  10. Which super hero are you?

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