Should You Start Smoking?

Smoking is bad for you. Simple is that. The consequences of smoking are pretty scary just check out and read up on tobacco. You know it's bad. Give it up.

Are you smoker? Maybe you should quit? If this quiz can help one person than it will be worth the time to make it. The patches and the gum work to quit. Just sayin.

Created by: Serge
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which organ does smoking harm?
  2. How many deaths per year does smoking cause in the USA?
  3. How many lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking?
  4. Smoking increases the risk of stroke by?
  5. Can cancer cause smoking almost anywhere in your body?
  6. Can smoking cause tooth loss?
  7. Smoking causes more deaths than HIV, illegal drug use, Alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm related incidents combined?
  8. The sky is blue?
  9. The Earth is round?
  10. There has to be aliens with how large the universe is?

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Quiz topic: Should I Start Smoking?