Quitting Smoking

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"Lung cancer kills more people than any other cancer – a trend that is expected to continue until 2030, unless efforts for global tobacco control are greatly intensified" ~World Health Organization

Given this quote from the WHO how are you going to fight back against the trend? As a smoker, you can fight back by gathering your mental courage and quitting. As a loved one, you can encourage your family member or friend to quit. From the tips on our website, test how much knowledge you have gained and your readiness to prevent lung cancer.

Created by: Jen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Lung cancer kills more than which 3 cancers combined?
  2. Which specific type of lung cancer is commonly connected to a history of smoking?
  3. Quitting smoking after any period of time is beneficial to your health because of which of the following reasons?
  4. Exposure to second-hand smoke causes how many adult non-smoker lung cancer deaths each year in the United States?
  5. What is the BEST way to protect yourself from getting lung cancer?
  6. How many American have successfully quit smoking?
  7. Which of the following helps to fight the mental aspects of nicotine addiction?
  8. Which of the following are examples of physical addition to nicotine?
  9. Second hand smoke increases your risk for lung cancer by how much?
  10. Which of the following is a good suggestion for encouraging your loved one to quit smoking?

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