ricelthericegirl's Profile

Joined on Oct 2, 2020
Status Level: Junior
ricelthericegirl's Quizzes
- what is your miraculous???[published: Dec 02, 2020, 4 comments]
MirAculoUs, siMpLy tHe bEsT, uP tO tHe tESt WhEn ThiNgS gO wROnG! you guessed it, miraculous ladybug,……
- what ya miraculous???[published: Dec 02, 2020]
miraculous ladybug, yup, that's right, the previous quiz I was expecting was the "what is your……
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ricelthericegirl's Recent Quiz Comments
"2020 AGAIN"
2 -
"This is 2020 tho"
In response to WingsofFireLover:
"Well, first this was a cool quiz. Second, half…"
1 -
"I got rubble but I'ma girl, but one of my dogs are like rubble, so I'm ok with my result"
1 -
"ok sorry i made lotsa mistakes = ("
2 -
"me too"
In response to aluor:
"I got Chat Noir."
1 -
"er...so boring..."
1 -
"ey none of these results are mystical creatures"
1 -
"ok I got the wolf, just what I was thinking of, WHOEVER MADE THIS JUST READ MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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"whenever I take an element quiz, I always get water, so does this."
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"I got a mix wolf, I really like the description =)"