which Xs will you meet (Roblox piggy)

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now, this quiz may sound a little bit odd, well well well it is (roblox)piggy again, answering these questions are what I love about , I am kinda annoyed by the results

you may like and comment if you want, * inhales and exhales * th- that is all I could say, at least, I really hope you enjoy soo much!!!!!!!!!!😏😇😁

Created by: ricelthericegirl
  1. which map is your favorite among these
  2. now, what ending do you like(plant)
  3. what piggy skin do you like here
  4. what trap do you like
  5. say "piggy is fun"
  6. last question, did you say"piggy is boring"
  7. now back to the topic, what is your favorite game mode
  8. who is your favourite NPC
  9. what is you favourite color here
  10. how much is your favourite skin
  11. what animal you choose
  12. that's all

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Quiz topic: Which Xs will I meet (Roblox piggy)
