actual good roblox piggy quiz! (Tricky!)

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Let's see how good you are at piggy! This quiz will ask you about EVERY chapter, so be prepared! I hope you studied, because this will be a little bit hard!

I wanted to make this because pretty much no one made a book 2 quiz. This has all chapters including distorted memory, winter holiday, distraction, breakout, and mansion. No heist, sorry!

Created by: Gerald
  1. Let's start off easy. What is the main goal of the first book? (Chapter one specifically)
  2. Who may the main character in piggy be?
  3. In book 1, chapter 1, what Easter egg is hidden in the bathroom?
  4. In book 1, chapter 2, what do you need to escape?
  5. In book 1, chapter 3, what is one place that red key DOESN'T spawn in?
  6. In book 1, chapter 4, what event skin could you get long ago?
  7. In book 1, chapter 5, what item is in the red door locker?
  8. In book 1, chapter 6, who is the bot?
  9. In book 1, chapter 7, what is the feature that isn't in build mode?
  10. In book 1, chapter 8, how do you get dropped off at the carnival?
  11. In book 1, chapter 9, what secret is there?
  12. In book 1, chapter 10, what are the bot(s)?
  13. In book 1, chapter 11, what is a unique thing only in that chapter?
  14. In book 1, chapter 12, how many endings are there?
  15. In book 2, chapter 1, who did you arrest?
  16. In book 2, chapter 2, how many interactive TVs are there?
  17. In book 2, chapter 3, is the bot infected?
  18. In book 2, chapter 4, who escapes?
  19. In book 2, chapter 5, who gets shot?
  20. In book 2, chapter 6, how many tsp members do you save?
  21. In book 2, chapter 7, how many buildings are visible? (Not including the lighthouse.)
  22. In book 2, chapter 8, what is Archie's theme called?
  23. In book 2, chapter 9, who do you meet at the end?
  24. In book 2, chapter 10, what skin can you get?
  25. In book 2, chapter 11, what are one of the camp members?
  26. In book 2, chapter 12, who is the secret skin under the map?
  27. Who do you play as in distorted memory?
  28. Does winter holiday have lore in it?
  29. How many sentinels spawn in distraction?
  30. What skin do you get for beating breakout?
  31. Who owns the mansion that zee and zuzy snuck into?
  32. Which of the following is NOT a piggy fan game?

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