Do you know all the piggy skins?

do you play piggy?it is a fun game created by Minitoon. you can find it in roblox. this quiz is all about piggy skins. piggy skins are what piggy are you(in player gamemode). no cheating

you will get through the cost(piggy points), what skin can you get, how to get the skin, there are also traps(to stun players for limited time).well I hope you like the quiz!!!

Created by: Ricelthericegirl
  1. who costs 315 piggy points
  2. what skin can you get in the mall
  3. what is the fifth skin in piggy
  4. what do you do to get the Mr.P. skin
  5. what is the newest skin by now
  6. how much does the most expensive skin cost
  7. what NPC do you see in school
  8. how much does zizzy(infected) cost
  9. who cost 550
  10. what do you give pony
  11. what is doggy's weapon
  12. what is the 10th skin
  13. who cost 400
  14. how much the daisy cost
  15. how much does memory cost
  16. last, is there such thing as an angel skin
  17. VERY last, u ready?(does not count)

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Quiz topic: Do I know all the piggy skins?
