redawn's Profile

Joined on Sep 11, 2012
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redawn's Quizzes
- how dope are you[published: Oct 27, 2012]
there are many people who dance..many others who dance poorly, but can you be amongst the super dope dancers……
redawn's Recent Posts
"h t t p : / /w w speaking of friendzones, you may be interested in the link."
"wic ked"
"it's not polite to talk about your lovers"
"ah i gotcha...i'm hatian on my dad's side....i have no clue what on my moms side XD she was white..that's about all i know. some form of Eur..."
"lol that's everywhere though. are you hispanic yourself if you don't mind me asking?"
"XD most folks go around acting like they can actually speak spanish though. it gets on my nerves to be honest. and that's co"
"hell no XD I'm using google translate. where do you live with so many spanish speaking friends.. the valley?"
"0.0 ok........... well anyways sombody commenting doesn't mean they read it ;) just sayin i could've skimmed for all "
"yup, yup. very argumentative bunch some of the folks here XD and i see. my step-moms hispanic, but i don't speak more then a"
"sounds like a major s---ty time. hope things clear up"
"i understand. : P based on what i've seen, gtq is hardly without trial. but speaking in Spanish is definitely a step in the "
"yes lol i have that one as well. definitely obsess over stuff"
"what everyone else said. plus if your good, your good. if you can sing and/or write then folks will buy it up if you try to "
"jk meaning just so ya know ;) by the way"
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