Pyrokit's Profile

Joined on Nov 22, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Pyrokit's Quizzes
- Which Animation Tributes Are My Favorites?[published: Nov 22, 2020]
- How well do you know my OCs?[published: Nov 22, 2020, 2 comments]
Think you know everything about my OCs, do you? Do you really, though? Because there are some……
- Wings of Fire Test: Book One: Difficulty, Easy[published: Nov 22, 2020]
Test your knowledge about Wings of Fire here! How much do you really know about……
- How well do you know me?[published: Nov 22, 2020, 5 comments]
How much do you think you know about me, and how much do you REALLY know about me? Though some things……
Pyrokit's Recent Posts
"*wakes up* Form swap Oh spice is here New person to stab?"
"“About who, Bluefly?” He asked, hiding disappointment."
"“Ok... so, what do I do now?” She asks."
"“Sure!” Streampaw mewed. “What’s your name again?”"
"If you don’t know me... Yeah I’m not even going to do this if you don’t know me"
"Drakestorm purred in amusement. “I do, but I doubt Treeslash will let me tell you them. Except one of them. Want to hear a story about your "
"Pyrope falls over. “Hey, you never told me what to do!”"
"Streampaw pawed it back to Snagclaw happily."
"Where’s Spice is she online"
"Oh Right Uhhhh but my insides are lava And if my fire dies because of no oxygen Then I become a beast of lava"
"Because I create smoke because I’m made of fire :)"
"I KNOW I know where basically every thread is"
"hallo halo Halo As in the game?"
Pyrokit's Recent Quiz Comments
In response to violagal12:
"i got 43%
O_O"1 -
"xD I have yet to reveal the answers to over half of the questions"
In response to Ethel:
"I got 60%! ;w;"
2 -
"wait WHAT"
In response to Ethel:
"I got 54%. ;w;"