How well do you know my OCs?

Think you know everything about my OCs, do you? Do you really, though? Because there are some things that I have yet to reveal... and if you do know them for sure, that's creepy because you'd have to be stalking my brain.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to me, as does this quiz. Please do not steal any OCs or their backstories. Thanks you. Remember to have fun on this quiz!

Created by: Pyrokit
  1. Who was my first OC?
  2. Where did my first OC come from?
  3. Which Clan did I first intend Pyrokit to join, the first time she was used, before I changed my mind?
  4. Where did my idea to make Drakestorm come from?
  5. Why did I choose "Pyro" as the beginning of Pyrokit's name?
  6. What kind of cat did I first intend for Drakestorm to be?
  7. Who is Moonclaw's mate, who has yet to be revealed on forums?
  8. What Wings of Fire tribe did Super Kitty Meow Meow first turn into?
  9. Who is Super Kitty Meow Meow distantly related to?
  10. Which two OCs are in the same rp?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my OCs?

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