musicianforever's Profile

Joined on Apr 19, 2013
Status Level: Novice
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musicianforever's Quizzes
- So Are You Tired?[published: May 10, 2013, 5 comments]
Are your friends telling you you're re snapping at them? Are you yelling at them? Do they say you should go to……
musicianforever's Recent Posts
"Can I play? Give me some Truths, if so. "
"Believe it or not my household still does. In fact not only do we still have the original one my dad got in the 90s, we have all the stuff t..."
"I agree with the OP; on another site I am on you get in trouble with the mods for the littlest disagreement, people reporting you for "offen..."
"My mom and I built one, kinda. We took two not working Windows XP towers that were the same, disassembled them, and re combined them to make..."
"Hmm. May I interrupt with my futile attempts? ^.^ To Dream... He was just another boy Grew up in a smal"
"I have two, but I dunno where they came from.... Today is the day to paint life in bold colors. Music isn't wh"
"I believe in creation, not evoloution... Because I have seen the facts. (not just here)."
"I want a 1964 Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt. But they only made 100, only in '64, and now they are RARE so I doubt I will ever have one.."
"My laptop and my dad's laptops, are both Windows 7, those are newest I think..."
"Oh yes, my mom has a flip phone from like 2000, and so does my dad, and we have a VCR and tapes for it... And we have a Windows XP to"
"A rotary phone... (I love rotary phones, I'm weird lol) A Playstation 1 (because my opinion is the games for 2, 3, and 4 kinda suck l"
"Oops, sorry I posted too soon lol, that's Magic Power by Triumph above me there!"
"Hmm. Maybe this one: Something's at the edge of your mind, you don't know what it is Something you were hoping to find"
musicianforever's Recent Quiz Comments
"It says I hate all the breeding groups... I don't! I have a lot of respect for them; they are better than I will ever be, breeding group or…"
1 -
"I got... white. It fits. Or else why would I be here? ;-)"
1 -
"I have brown eyes.... not blue eyes!!!"
1 -
"Hmm! I am a "west" accent. I guess that's right..."
1 -
"I got 20% bad.... So I guess I'm doing pretty good!"