mcqueen's Profile

Joined on Feb 21, 2012
Status Level: Senior
mcqueen's Quizzes
- The Summer I Found Love 5[published: Nov 06, 2014, 1 comment]
sorry it took me so long to get this part out but I'm going to try to get more parts out sooner so……
- Guess the song name[published: Jul 07, 2014]
Special thanks to wolf heart for giving me the idea for this quiz. She was asking me questions about the……
- Bad pick-up lines[published: Jun 11, 2014, 1 comment]
For the past two days the theme has been pick-up lines (well for me it has. I've been creeping and running off……
- shoutouts part 2[published: Feb 07, 2014, 5 comments]
I would like to apologize if anyone feels that I skipped them. This quiz was made off the top of my head. Which……
- This weeks hottest quizzes 13[published: Nov 03, 2013, 2 comments]
thank you everyone who have taking part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-12 if……
- The Summer I Found Love 4[published: Nov 03, 2013]
sorry it took me so long to get this part out but I'm going to try to get more parts out sooner so……
- This Weeks Hottest Quizzes:award show[published: Jul 30, 2013, 5 comments]
I'm so sorry about not posting and it being almost a year but I decide to cancel the……
- my extra special shout-outs[published: May 23, 2013, 11 comments]
this quiz is a shout-out to some amazing people that I gave talk to that mean a lot to me and what……
- The Summer I Found Love part 3[published: May 23, 2013, 1 comment]
sorry it took me so long to get this part out but I'm going to try to get more parts out sooner……
- my special shout outs[published: Apr 28, 2013, 3 comments]
This is a quiz to thank some pretty amazing people/friends and I feel they really diserve it thank you……
- shout-out to all quiz takers 2[published: Mar 21, 2013, 8 comments]
This shout out quiz is a list of everyone who has ever taken one of my quizzes all 144 of you……
- The summer I Found Love part 2[published: Mar 14, 2013, 3 comments]
I fixed the results so you can get the guy of your choice and warning I suck at writing so I'm……
- The Summer I Found Love part 1[published: Mar 05, 2013, 7 comments]
this is my first story series warning I suck chicken grease at writing so im sorry if you don't……
- quiz to make your day 2[published: Jan 11, 2013, 3 comments]
warning this is just a random quiz i made with somethings i have though about and decied to write down……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 11[published: Dec 09, 2012, 3 comments]
thank you everyone who have takeing part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-10 if……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 10[published: Nov 25, 2012, 5 comments]
thank you everyone who have takeing part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-9 if……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 9[published: Oct 26, 2012, 5 comments]
thank you for takin this times addition of this weeks hottest quizzes im sorry if i spelled any……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 8[published: Oct 10, 2012, 7 comments]
part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-7 if you leave a comment I will check out……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 7[published: Sep 05, 2012, 3 comments]
thank you everyone who have takein part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-6 i will……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 6[published: Aug 27, 2012, 2 comments]
thank you everyone who have takein part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-5 i will……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 5[published: Aug 20, 2012, 4 comments]
thank you everyone who have takein part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-4 i will……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 4[published: Aug 13, 2012, 3 comments]
thank you everyone who have takein part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part two and……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 3[published: Aug 07, 2012, 4 comments]
sorry im a day late i couldn't find my notebook that i write all this stuff down in the i forgot……
- how well do you know ILuvHolister[published: Jul 30, 2012, 3 comments]
this was a rondom quiz I made because I was bord but be sure to take my other quizzes if you……
- this weeks hottest quizzes 2[published: Jul 30, 2012, 2 comments]
thank you everyone who have takein part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part two and i……
- this weeks hottest quizzes[published: Jul 27, 2012, 6 comments]
this is a new quiz series that I will make every week you all can thank my 2 sister ILuvHolister for……
- ILuvHolister fans please take[published: Jul 24, 2012, 2 comments]
this quiz was written about my 2 sister ILuvHolister for winning my quiz contest and for you her……
- shout-out to gotoquiz quiz takers[published: Jul 14, 2012, 22 comments]
let me try and type this without crying thank you all so much i can't say this enough I LOVE……
- do you have a dirty mind[published: Jul 04, 2012, 6 comments]
this quiz my be disturbing and/or funny i got it from written by LilQT1 so theres no……
- Do You Have Adhd[published: Jun 24, 2012, 25 comments]
Now that you have an idea about whether you should be concerned about attention deficit disorder, you can……
- are you crazy or random[published: May 04, 2012, 9 comments]
Warning this quiz contains crazy and random things so if your one of those fancy people you don't like……
- wise spy true and black[published: Nov 18, 2011, 5 comments]
You must truely want to be a secret agent this was a small test to see if you are up to the challenge……
mcqueen's Recent Posts
"Oh you should punch them"
"5/23/21 It was quiet 10 days since last case of shenanigans/"
"I don't see your name here htt..."
"Done Done Done."
"They are now lifted."
"Yes. go to the profile and click "link another quiz"."
"Do to the evidence we have you're being banned. We cannot unlock your thread."
"The mods stand by their decision and will not be unlocking your thread. It has been suggested that you get a digital diary or even a discord..."
"We have it handled but thank you for the offer."
"Do you have discord?"
"What evidence can you offer?"
"Aside from making accounts you didn't claim in the alt tracker. You have made and posted on accounts that promote bulling. We have a zero to..."
mcqueen's Recent Quiz Comments
"This user has been removed from the site. Please stop commenting and engaging with this quiz while we work to get this quiz taken…"
1 -
"There were some tough questions on there, good job."
1 -
"I suggest you all stop engaging with this troll."
7 -
"Level up, little bubby"
1 -
"You can still vote for anyone. Just write them on the ballot. If they get enough votes they'll become president"
1 -
"Good thing I scored a hundred. Otherwise I'm raising my bunny all wrong "
1 -
"You got some of the answers wrong. And you misspelled two of the names"
1 -
"XD I did poorly the first time. And I already have a rabbit"
1 -
"Alright ladies. I have been asked to tell you that you need to shut down the fan club"
1 -
"Aww I love you more. *hugs back*"