quiz to make your day 2

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warning this is just a random quiz i made with somethings i have though about and decied to write down and post on some sites to see what others think about them you may find them disturbing

this is just a random quiz i made with somethings i have though about and decied to write down and post on some sites to see what others think about them

Created by: mcqueen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if a deaf person swears does his mother wash his hands with soap
  2. if some one with multiple personalities threatens to kill him self is it considered a hostage situation
  3. what do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant
  4. can vegetarians eat animal crackers
  5. what was the best thing before sliced bread
  6. does the little mermaid wear an algebra
  7. how is it possible to have a civil war
  8. if one synchronize swimmer drowns do the rest drown too
  9. if you try to fail and succeed which have you done
  10. whose cruel idea was it for the word lisp to have "S" in it
  11. why are hemorrhoids called hemorrhoids instead of assteroids
  12. why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them
  13. why is there an expiration date on sour cream
  14. if you know with out a dought that you would take a bullet for your baby let me ask you why someone's trying to kill your baby in the first place

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Quiz topic: Quiz to make my day 2