this weeks hottest quizzes 8

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part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-7 if you leave a comment I will check out your quiz and rate it then come back and see if you made it in this weeks hottest quizzes

thank you everyone who have takein part one and an even bigger thank you for taking part 2-7 if you leave a comment I will check out your quiz and you might be in next weeks addition

Created by: mcqueen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. one thousand dreams by skyler potter 11 stars i know this series was in my dreams
  2. fallig in love without you by regalmaiden 11 stars because without you i would not be in love with this series
  3. falling snow by singing234 11 stars amazing can't wait for part 2
  4. I know your secret by rvelez 11 stars yah and my secret is i can't wait for the next part
  5. truth hurtts by spitipwing 10 stars this truth won't hurt write the next part
  6. midnight love by beautiful games 10 stars you will be up till midnight falling in love with this series
  7. crystal clear all over again by thunderbolt97 10 stars why are you not writing books
  8. NEVERland series by (the amazing) chopinssonata 12 stars amazing better than the movies and books
  9. 1direction loves me by 1direction gurl 10 stars this will be a huge hit for 1d fans
  10. nothing normal by jjjcutie because it's not normal how much i injoy this series
  11. mystery at hogwarts by jessica lestrange 11 stars love it this is one cute mystery
  12. ibuprofen :DDDDDD by joe dirte 10 stars this had me rolling for a hour

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