liz_king97's Profile

Joined on Dec 5, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
liz_king97's Quizzes
- Oh great Goddess of Pasta...[published: Dec 09, 2013, 2 comments]
*clears throat* ATTENTION! ATTENTION! I have summoned thee together this day to gather all the……
- Daughter of Kronos[published: Oct 24, 2013, 2 comments]
Hi! Liz again. So "Sparks Fly" just wasn't working out for me. I'm on FanFiction, though, so feel free to……
- Announcement From liz_king97[published: Jun 10, 2013, 4 comments]
Okay. This is going to be hard. I hate goodbyes, just like the Doctor. In fact, there is one favor……
- Sparks Fly (pt. 4)[published: Jun 07, 2013, 1 comment]
Hey! Just so you know, I started writing this the day after I finished #3. So, I'm especially sorry for this……
- Sparks Fly (pt. 3)[published: Apr 24, 2013, 1 comment]
:D Hey! Um...I hope I'm not too late....Well, recap's down there, so I think I'll just rant about how much I……
- DON'T COME IN HERE!!! *hides in corner*[published: Apr 07, 2013]
Hello! This is just a random thinggy that I felt like making. Nothing special, just a……
- Sparks Fly (pt.2)[published: Mar 30, 2013, 5 comments]
I AM SO FREAKING SORRY!!!! Yeah, sorry for this being late. I disd't realize how much I HAVEN'T been working……
- Hogwarts Forever Part 1 (Revised)[published: Feb 05, 2013, 8 comments]
Sorry this is late. :/ I've been busy with homework, and daydreams. This is the revised……
- Demeter's Child: Am I All Alone?[published: Jan 28, 2013, 10 comments]
If you are a half-blood, like me, you should probably stop right here and just leave me a……
- I Love Randomness 2[published: Jan 25, 2013, 1 comment]
- Hogwarts Forever Announcement[published: Jan 25, 2013, 8 comments]
So, this is what I've been working on when not on the Forums, besides sleeping...and chores...and……
- Christmas at Hogwarts (pt. 2)[published: Dec 30, 2012, 11 comments]
Hello! Did you miss me?! :D I am sorry this is late, but I am still not feeling well, and no, I……
- I Am So Sorry! :([published: Dec 27, 2012, 12 comments]
I just want to say that...I'm not making more "Hogwarts Forever" quizzes. *collected gasp from audience* I……
- Christmas at Hogwarts[published: Dec 27, 2012, 4 comments]
Okay, I am sooooo sorry that this is late!!! I got sick on Christmas afternoon, too much KitKats, I think,……
- Hogwarts Forever Part 1.5[published: Dec 24, 2012, 4 comments]
Before I mention anything else, I just want to say that I am soooo sorry for this being late. Between……
- I Love Randomness[published: Dec 24, 2012, 7 comments]
Hi! You must be here for several reasons: 1. you clicked on the random quiz link. 2. you are bored out of your……
- Are You My Best Friend?[published: Dec 19, 2012, 6 comments]
Do you have enough potential to be my best friend? Or are we just going to be hanging around each other……
- Do You Know Who I Am?[published: Dec 17, 2012, 3 comments]
This is a fun, make a guess type of quiz. I just want people to know a little more about my personal life.……
- How much do you know The Mummy?[published: Dec 15, 2012, 2 comments]
Do you love The Mummy like me, or are you just bored out of your mind? If you are the latter,……
- Hogwarts Forever Part 1.4[published: Dec 15, 2012, 4 comments]
Hi! I'm sorry if I'm late. i don't think I am...Anyway, I hope that this installment Exceeds your……
- Hogwarts Forever Part 1.3[published: Dec 11, 2012, 7 comments]
Hi! Sorry this is late, I had a lot of homework. Finished it though...I hope I haven't kept you……
- Hogwarts Forever Part 1.2[published: Dec 08, 2012, 9 comments]
Are you practically in love with the Harry Potter series? Well, I guess this is for all of the……
liz_king97's Recent Posts
"It feels good to be back :) "If you say so." I sighed dramatically. I smiled, relaxing a bit. "G'night," I yawned, and kicked"
"Hi! Sorry, my computer takes forever to load up. Draco straightened up, glancing at me. "Right. I'll see you tomorrow, Victor"
"Sorry I haven't been on in months. Finals are in a few weeks and I'm behind in school. Almost makes me want to be homeschooled. Anyway, I ha..."
"(I have to go. :/ Sorry. I might not be able to get on for a while."
"Okay. What's your email?) I folded my arms. "And if all you're going to do is insult my friends, then you should leave before"
"(Yeah, I have an account. Do you want me to put it up for you? It might take a while, as I'll be in England until the 13th.) "
"(That would be awesome.) The tiny slug started changing form, and it made me a little nauseas. I turned around to make sure I"
"(I'd pay to see her reaction.) I set the jar on the ground, taking off the lid. "We might need to back away or simething." I "
""Right. Is it bad that I don't want him normal too soon?" (What are you thinking of doing?)"
""I'm Sage will gladly tell you." I laughed. "I probably have to go now, don't you?""
"(Back from dinner.) I grinned. "Hopefully. Although I'm sure that Sage would enjoy turning him into a slug again.""
"(Goodnight. I'll be on late tomorrow afternoon. Maybe around 5 or 6, okay?)"
""Meet Draco Malfoy, the slug. Sage fed him the antidote, so he should look normal in about five minutes." I grinned. "I can't believe she an..."
"I looked around. "Umm...I don't see him." I frowned. "Let me get Sage." I went into the tent, letting my eyes adjust to the brightness. "Sag..."
"I rested my head on his shoulder. "I remember the first day I met you." Caleb said softly. "You had just walked out of the Big House, and a ..."
liz_king97's Recent Quiz Comments
"Amazing. And so accurate! Wonderfully done, for your first time :)"
1 -
"9-10, awesome. District 7, people!"
2 -
"I'M "THE DOCTOR"!!!!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!
And my namesake is regenerating in 6 days *cries* NOOOO, MATT, YOU CAN'T LEEEEAVE!!!!"
0 -
"Your result: Purple
You love thinking of new ideas; you are the king/queen of innovation. To top it all off, you have an…"
1 -
"You're Wiress, or Nuts as I like to call her (who called her that first? Johanna?) Anyways, you're pretty shy, but you're actually…"
1 -
"Annabeth, which is cool, since she's my best friend. And my favorite god is Hades (SORRY ATHENA!!!)"
1 -
"No, it isn't true that if you don't talk/text all the time he doesn't like you. I have a guy friend who I like and I think he likes me…"
1 -
"Nuna! ^.^ One of my favorite minor HP ships! Sad to find out later that they never actually got together..."
1 -
"Thanks! ^_^"
1 -
"86% Poseidon...well, it DOES make sense. I love the ocean, and dancing in heavy rainstorms. Who can blame me? :)"