Sparks Fly (pt. 3)

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:D Hey! Um...I hope I'm not too late....Well, recap's down there, so I think I'll just rant about how much I love the Harry Potter franchise! :D Obviously, I couldn't say that I love Harry Potter, or else I'd be saying I love my husband's best friend. And that would be a totally insane (not to mention stupid) thing to do.

*RECAP* You met Ron and Harry, called Draco a cockroach in Spanish, and...what else? Oh yeah, you were about to be sorted. >:D And that's where I cut it off. Well, the wait is over! Here ya go!

Created by: liz_king97

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "RAVENCLAW!" The sorting hat shouted. People in blue robes stood up and clapped heartily. Ron, Harry, and Sage clapped as well, but didn't look as happy about it. I grinned at my new friends and practically skipped down to Ravenclaw's table.
  2. The feast was great, with a weird (and somewhat ominous) message from the Headmaster to start off the year. "You're Victoria Rain, right?" An older-looking boy smiled at me hopefully. I nodded, swallowing my food. The boy grinned. "Sondra's little sister?" "Um, yeah. Why?" He grinned wider and waved a piece of paper around. "Just one question: can you ride a broom?"
  3. "I suppose so; why do you ask?" "Sondra asked me to keep an eye on you, in case you show a talent for Quidditch. She and your older brother were on the team in their years, and they want to make sure you're on it too." I stared at the older student. "Okay. Whatever. See you around...I guess." Weird. Well, nothing spells weird like a school that technically doesn't exist, right?
  4. After 5 Pumpkin pasties, 4 chicken fajitas, 2 beef tacos, and 2 goblets of pumpkin juice, I had a full stomach and a much-needed trip to the loo. Soon after, all the food disappeared and two older students- a boy and a girl- stood up, leading us first years to the common room. "All you have to do is answer a riddle correctly, and the entrance will appear."
  5. The common room was stunning; with blue walls and bronze flooring, it had to have been the most beautiful room I had ever seen. The older boy in charge pointed to himself. "I'm Richard Herring, but you can call me Rick." The girl smiled brightly. "And I'm Elizabeth King, but you can call me Liz; everyone does. Rick and I will be your prefects, third-in-command of Ravenclaw House. Welcome to Hogwarts!"
  6. Liz showed us the dormitories, and assigned us beds. Our trunks were already brought up, so all we had to do was drag them to our beds. I set out a few pictures on the window sill next to my bed. "Is this your family?" One girl asked. She blushed. "I'm Kerrith Tera Woods. Kerry or Terry." I smiled. "Yeah, that's my mum, older brother, and older sister. I'm Victoria Rain; Tori." Kerry dropped her luggage chest at the foot of the bed next to mine. I had a feeling we were going to be good friends.
  7. The rest of the night was calm, and we all learned the rules quickly. The first years started swapping stories about our lives before Hogwarts. Mine not being the best, I kept quiet, hoping no one would notice that I had not shared my past. One girl, Maxine Wilde, looked at me. "What about you?" Everyone turned to face me. I felt the blood drain from my face. "Me? I uh...really, I don't think..." "Oh come on," Max chided, "The rest of us shared; it's your turn now!" I looked to Liz for support, but she just shook her head and smiled encouragingly. I was on my own for this one.
  8. I looked at the other first years and bit my lip nervously. "I come from a Muggle family, but I have two older siblings who have also gone to Hogwarts. My older sister Sondra finished her seventh year last year, and my older brother three years before that. I had a younger brother, Benjamin, but he died when we were little. My father died when I was six, so I don't really remember him." I didn't tell them how Benny and Dad died, and no one inquired further.
  9. When it was time for lights out, and I finally fell asleep, I had nightmares. Green lights flashed everywhere, and hundreds of still bodies were strewn across the floor. People fought, and people died. The scene shifted, and I saw a pale, skinny girl, with dark-almost black- hair and snake-like eyes. She was huddled in a corner, with not much to keep out the cold. She looked up, and seemed to be staring right at me. "Who are you?" The girl whispered, angry now. "Did Aunt Bellatrix send you?"
  10. I stared at the girl. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Who are YOU?" The girl stiffened and her eyes became more prominently slit, like a snake's. "I don't answer to anyone but my father, filthy mudblood. Now go. Away." Instantly, I was swept out of the room, and away from the mysterious girl. I woke up, long before dawn, and sat in bed, wondering who that girl was, and where she was.
  11. *LIZ* How was that? I tried to make it less descriptive, while still keeping it interesting. It WAS interesting, right?! Well, don't let me keep you...and I'll try to have the fourth part up in about...a week.

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