LeaiAngelofDeath's Profile

Joined on Nov 30, 2012
Status Level: Novice
LeaiAngelofDeath's Quizzes
- Half Moon:Part 1[published: Dec 10, 2012, 2 comments]
Leai: Blonde Chestnut Hair (?), hazel eyes, freckles, skinny, pale skin, tall, wears knee high boots, sweat……
- Against Time (part1)[published: Dec 01, 2012, 1 comment]
Leai: Long and Thick Reddish Blonde hair, Green/ Hazel eyes, tanish skin, cupid bow lips, long, pointed……
LeaiAngelofDeath's Recent Posts
"Yep. I think it's more cool than scary though."
"I forgot exactly when I heard about it... :P"
"Oh,I remember hearing something about that at one point."
"Not until now. :P"
"I really don't know. (Not that super storm; Super Storm Sandy.)"
"e.e I forgot. D:"
"The super storm...And something that happened yesterday."
"Second account. :p"
"This past month has been pretty sucky. .-."
LeaiAngelofDeath's Recent Quiz Comments
"Clicked this on December 22nd. I'm alive. :D"
1 -
"e.e I got Sour Patch. I love Sour Patches but the results were somewhat off.
My real personality:
I prefer being alone (like…"
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"@jazzyBoo: Names are names. None of them are for fair skinned people, tan skinned people, or darker skinned people. Simply names."
1 -
"My personality say Earth, Storm, Fire and...I don't know but, I'm really good with air. Air loves me ^.^"
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"I got vampire. :D Haha. I saw that one coming. ;p"
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"You are 52% Popular! 52%
You are a little bit popular. Only sometimes people take the chance to notice you. You are like 50-50…"
1 -
"13-15. :D I'm 11 but this isn't shocking. I mature for my age. xP"