kristine_192's Profile


Joined on Apr 28, 2012
Status Level: Novice

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kristine_192's Recent Posts

  • Everyone's beautiful...
    "I agree true beauty is in the inside, not outside, but you seem to have overreacted there, Kirby :D"
  • "O_O"
  • "There is definitely something wrong with you, Kirby."
  • "WTF u weirdo... -__- lol jk RAINBOWS....are actually pretty nice :D"
  • Love
    " I'm confused O_O are you Alejandro or you or.... *self destructs because of self-confusion*"
  • What is love?
    "Idk was being random :O I'm bored so I'm just posting random s--- :P I asked my cousin, "What is love?" and she replied with "
  • "My reply to PurpleCherries: 1. As I said before, it's basically a mix of gymnastics and dance. You'd rather spend the expenses on tho"
  • "Want me to continue on? Trust me, I just read it today."
  • "Sophia, it's not complicated. Trust me. Very easy once you become competent with it. Rational skills of the head. Anyway, I'm"
  • "We're not finished yet explaining! The chemical reactions also play a major role for the society of our breathing. Overall, CO2 is a weak el..."
  • "Kirby, that "scientific nonsense" is actually quite interesting and fascinating stuff to learn. The reason why we can't really get a break f..."
  • " Good luck. There's a scientific explanation for everything. It is scientifically possibl"
  • "Kirby, you could not have been that stupid, can you? The song was supposed to rhyme and bring out a good tune. Not to give yo"
  • "Ellie M, do you watch My Little Pony? Pinkie Pie? Cupcakes? lol Imma team cupcakes as well! xD"
  • "^^ I love Justin Bieber as well xD (regarding to your username)"

kristine_192's Recent Quiz Comments
