The Fun Howrse Quiz

Howrse is a fun online game where you can breed virtual horses and run your own equestrian center for free. It is a fun game and a lot of players join daily.

Howrse's website link is or if you are from the AU version or if you are from United States for if you are from the UK.

Created by: kristine_192
  1. Which of these is the closest to your username?
  2. How much equus do you have?
  3. How many horses do you have?
  4. What does your presentation page look like?
  5. Do you accept random friend requests on Howrse?
  6. Do you return congratulations?
  7. What type of player are you?
  8. Have you ever lost a karma point(s) on the game?
  9. Do you got to the forums regularly?
  10. (AU players only) Who's your favorite mod?
  11. (INTER Players only) Who's your favorite mod?
  12. Who is your favorite admin?
  13. What horses do you breed?
  14. Do you breed unicorns?
  15. Who's your favorite gemstone divine horse?
  16. Have you finished all of the objectives?
  17. Why do you play the game for?
  18. Please comment what your username is and which version so I can add you :)
  19. On AU version, I am christine1845 please add me/message me :)
  20. And I'm christinemz on International version. Please add/message me! :)

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