IvystarGecko's Profile

Joined on Mar 26, 2016
Status Level: Junior
IvystarGecko's Quizzes
- Sunstorm's love story! (She-cats) #4[published: Jun 18, 2016, 2 comments]
Prologue: Blackheart nodded to Dewfur. "You have your plan?" he asked. She smiled. "I have……
- Sunstorm's love story! (she-cats) #3[published: Jun 17, 2016]
Prologue: Rockpaw sighed. She was a beautiful warrior indeed, but she had moved away from……
- Sunstorm's love story! (She-cats) #2[published: Jun 16, 2016]
Prologue: Redpaw sighed. Sunkit would be an apprentice soon, but by then he would be a……
- Sunstorm's love story! (She-cats)[published: Jun 15, 2016]
Prologue: "Sunkit, catch!" Brackenpaw yowled. The older apprentice Redpaw laughed. "She'll……
- Are You Lucky?[published: Jun 14, 2016]
Luck. It's a thing we use every day. That time your mother lost her phone, then found it again? Maybe you've done……
- How well do you know Jayfeather?[published: Jun 14, 2016]
Jayfeather. He has a complex personality, a confusing life. The puzzles start before he was……
- Step-By-Step Guide to Making a One-Question Quiz[published: Jun 12, 2016, 1 comment]
One question quizzes. People on this website, GoToQuiz, make them. They can be……
- What does your pet say about you?[published: Jun 04, 2016, 2 comments]
Many, many people own pets. In fact, most people who can own a pet do own a pet. Different……
- Are you fat?[published: Jun 04, 2016, 2 comments]
There are many, many people in the world who are fat. It's not always a bad thing-as long as you are not too……
- How Illinois is your accent?[published: Jun 01, 2016]
People in and around Illinois have very distinctive accents, especially if your accent is quite……
- Would You Make a Good Parent?[published: Jun 01, 2016, 2 comments]
There are people who make great parents. And there are those who don't. Those who don't really……
- Add-a-question quiz.[published: May 31, 2016, 1 comment]
Come into this quiz, answer the questions, and add your own. It is meant to be interesting, containing……
- The Game of Choices[published: May 31, 2016, 4 comments]
Play this game, make choices, and see your score! Is luck on your side? Or, is good luck on your side? That……
- Add your question to this quiz ;)[published: May 31, 2016, 1 comment]
You can add your questions to this quiz once I have figured out how I can let you hack into……
- Which Percy Jackson character is your girlfriend?[published: May 26, 2016, 2 comments]
There are a lot of demigod pairs. Many demigods date demigods because it's……
- Life as a Warrior Cat| Part Two A| Healing Dreams[published: May 26, 2016, 2 comments]
Part two in a series. Please go to my profile to find the other. The link is……
- Is there a ghost haunting you? #2 in the 'Magic' series[published: May 23, 2016, 3 comments]
Many people are haunted by ghosts. Are you one of them? Most don't even……
- Which Percy Jackson character is your boyfriend?[published: May 23, 2016, 6 comments]
Percy Jackson is a famous series. Many of the demigods in it end up forming……
- What does your favorite shape say about you?[published: Apr 25, 2016, 4 comments]
Your favorite shape can tell you a lot about yourself. It is surprising just how……
- Could You Be a Medicine Cat #2[published: Apr 23, 2016, 2 comments]
You can do this by itself! It's just the second medicine cat quiz I've made, testing you on……
- The Warriors Clan Leader test!![published: Apr 23, 2016, 1 comment]
This quiz will tell you if you're an expert in the matters of knowing your Clan leaders. A few……
- Could You Be a Medicine Cat? #1[published: Apr 22, 2016, 1 comment]
What do you really know about herbs? This quiz, though it is short, is only the first in a set……
- Life as a Warrior Cat| Part One| A Kit Is Born[published: Apr 22, 2016, 2 comments]
This is the first part of a warriors story. It is as I try to make my story……
- What clothes should you wear tomorrow?[published: Apr 21, 2016, 1 comment]
Are you staring at the many clothes you have and don't know what do wear? Are you……
- Why doesn't Draco Malfoy like you?[published: Apr 18, 2016, 3 comments]
Why doesn't Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter like you? Or does he like you? Well, you and I……
- Is GoToQuiz the Right Site for You?[published: Apr 17, 2016, 2 comments]
Is GoToQuiz really the Right Site for you? Are you thinking about getting an account but……
- Are You Insane? :)[published: Apr 17, 2016, 2 comments]
There are many weird people, but few who are really insane. Insane is, of course, a strange and sometimes,……
- Shout-Out #1[published: Apr 09, 2016]
My first shout-out! Come in, read it, and see if you are in it! Comment and rate to let me know what you think of……
- Bet You Can't Score Higher Than Ten![published: Apr 08, 2016, 1 comment]
Can you beat my dare? You must have the smartest brain and pick every single answer……
- Do You Have a Magic Power? #1 in the 'Magic' series.[published: Apr 07, 2016, 1 comment]
There are many people in the world, but few are truly magic. Many claim to……
- Get a Warriors Character![published: Apr 05, 2016, 1 comment]
There are many Warriors names that could be, and are. Have you ever wondered what your name could be,……
- Pizza Puzzle![published: Apr 01, 2016, 1 comment]
Radio Whales announced this puzzle. I heard of it and decided to make a quiz about it. Radio Whales got the wrong……
- How Much Are You Like Me?[published: Mar 31, 2016, 1 comment]
Are you like me, IvystarGecko? How much? What is your gender? How old are you? Simple questions like……
- What do you know about the immortal me?[published: Mar 30, 2016]
Do Not Click This Link. Do Not Click. Do Not Click The Link. You Must Not Click This……
- Are You SkyClan?[published: Mar 28, 2016, 2 comments]
Ever wondered how much of a SkyClan cat you are? Got it in a quiz but don't think you really are one? Find out……
- Are You Really a ThunderClan cat?[published: Mar 28, 2016, 2 comments]
Ever wonder if ThunderClan really is for you? Are you really a brave, strong ThunderClan cat,……
- What Warrior Clan Are You in?[published: Mar 22, 2016]
This is a quiz to help you find out if you lived in the Warrior Clans, which Clan you would be in.……
IvystarGecko's Recent Posts
""Fine I will," shrugged Appledusk. Because the apprentices are too lazy. Snowfeather looked her sister in the eye, "the"
"Sparrowtail smiled proudly."
"Ivyheart sighed, "Better than she was, but whatever possessed her to..?" Icepaw stood up. I'm not going to sit around doing nothin"
"um, okay..)"
"Ravenfeather sighed, standing up and licking her fur. It was ruffled and scraps of moss clung to it."
"Um, no."
"just me, randomly talking to myself.."
""Wha.." Ravenfeather yawned, blinking sleep from her eyes. She wanted to go to sleep, not get up."
"yes, you can)"
"Ivyheart tilted her head."
"(Petal) Volepaw puffed out his chest."
""Well, I'm not staying here to find out. You coming?" Crowfoot turned and bounded out of camp. After a second, Cherryflower followed. So..."
IvystarGecko's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm a new-ish user, and when I joined, there weren't many hate quizzes, polls and threads. Maybe one a week. But now, every day, there…"
2 -
"'..and the little kids are getting everything they want.' You are so right."
1 -
""You are 100% expert!"
:D"1 reply1 -
"Thanks Jay! :D"
1 -
"Nice! I can't do much more than just say I like this quiz but please count me in your five!"
1 -
"This quiz isn't very good, sorry. It told me me and my friends aren't besties, and we'd die for each other. Be practical. Don't expect…"
1 -
"Can't wait for part three."
1 -
1 -
1 -
"Sorry about that, everyone. Now the quiz is back, and it's better."